BP Dev-Chat Agenda November 09, 2022


Our next development meeting will happen on November 09 at 19:30 UTC (today) and of course in #BuddyPress. Here’s our agenda:

  • First design progress about the next Standalone BuddyPress Theme with @vibethemes.
  • 11.0.0-beta1: beta testing has begun, let’s document some important changes.

If you have specific/additional points you need to discuss about, please share them into the comments area of this post.


#11-0-0, #agenda, #dev-chat

Here’s 11.0.0 first beta!


We need your help, please contribute to BuddyPress 11.0.0 beta testing starting with this first beta release. Thanks in advance 😍

#11-0-0, #beta, #release

BP Dev-Chat summary : November 2, 2022

11.0.0 last tickets to fix

  • #8590: Cache improvements. @dcavins have checked the rest of the buddyboss PR for potential complementary improvements and found out we had previously covered these on our own.
  • #8693: Site Members Invitations & configs using signups only. @dcavins has fixed the issue 💪👏.
  • #7614: Make sure the group members count routine is more accurate. We’ve talked about the edge case when an administrator adds a not yet active user to a group. We came to the conclusion we should sync counts when not active users finally log in for the first time. @dcavins has shared an interesting patch about it on the ticket. @im4th also shared a PR exploring a different strategy: taking in account not yet active users when the current user is the administrator. Please share your opinion about what you think is best on the ticket 🙏.
  • #8746: companion stylesheet for Twenty Twenty-Three. @im4th & @dcavins shared between themselves the work to achieve. During the week-end @im4th updated the PR and committed it to SVN trunk so that this can be done easily. He figured out most of issues were related to CSS color variables that were not used in TT3 compared to TT2. Doing a replacement of these seems to address most issues. Another look to it would be greatly appreciated 😍.
  • @espellcaste should commit the two tickets about the xProfile loop & the Messages BP REST API endpoint soon.
  • @im4th thinks the ticket about stopping using `$this` into `@param` docblocks can wait after the 11.0.0-beta1 version is released.

11.0.0 schedule reminder

  • First beta: November 8, 2022.
  • RC: December 1st, 2022.
  • Release: December 14, 2022.

10.5.0 & 10.6.0 Maintenance releases

Both versions have been released before WordPress 6.1. @im4th explained why he urgently took the decision to package 10.6.0 shortly after 10.5.0: replies into our support forums showed we needed to improve how we deal with Block only based Themes as the strategy used in 10.5.0 introduced a regression with Themes using block templates, although they are regular themes.

BP Attachments 1.0.0?

There’s still some work to achieve to be ready to package a very first version of this new BuddyPress Add-on:

  • Public Media directory,
  • Attaching media to Activity (when not using the BP Activity Block editor, as this part is already handled thanks to BP Attachments blocks).
  • Attaching media to Private Messages.
  • Including first private sharing options (with friends or group members).

@im4th hopes he’ll be able to publish a first version to the WP.org repository in early December so that it happens slightly before the 11.0.0 BuddyPress release.

Next Dev-Chat

It will happen this week on November 9 at 19:30 UTC in #BuddyPress. If you have specific points or ideas you want to discuss about, don’t hesitate to share them in comments.

#10-0-0, #11-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary

BP Dev-Chat Agenda November 02, 2022


Our next development meeting will happen November 02 at 19:30 UTC (today) and of course in #BuddyPress. Here’s our agenda:

  • 10.5.0 & 10.6.0 minor releases feedbacks.
  • 11.0.0-beta1 is slated to November 8, we still have 6 tickets to deal with:
    • 2 have patches/PR to be committed:
      • #4075 request multiple fields groups IDs into xProfile loops.
      • #8698 Add additional data to private message recipients fetched using the REST API
    • Here are the ones, I think, we should prioritize:
      • #7614 Group members count issues.
      • #8746 A companion stylesheet for Twenty Twenty-Three

If you have specific/additional points you need to discuss about, please share them into the comments area of this post.


#10-0-0, #11-0-0, #agenda, #dev-chat

BuddyPress 10.6.0 is released

For details about it and the reason why it arrived so quickly after the 10.5.0 maintenance release, please visit:

Happy Halloween 🎃

#10-6-0, #maintenance, #release

BP Rewrites 1.4.0 is available

Thanks in advance to the contributors who will test this BuddyPress Add-on and help BuddyPress Core to migrate its legacy URL parser in favor of the WordPress Rewrite API doing so!

#maintenance, #release, #rewrites

BuddyPress 10.5.0 Maintenance Release

Let’s get ready for WordPress 6.1, here’s BuddyPress 10.5.0 🍕. Please upgrade 🙏.


#10-5-0, #maintenance, #release

BP Dev-Chat summary : October 19, 2022

We’ve updated the 11.0.0 release schedule, delaying first beta to November 8. But we still plan to package the final release on December 14. This means, we’ll have less time to test and package new betas. RC is slated to December 1st.

11.0.0 last tickets to fix

  • #8590: Cache improvements. @dcavins will work on including the improvements that are common with the buddyboss-platform.
  • #8693: Site Members Invitations & configs using signups only. @dcavins has a patch almost ready and he should be able to attach it to the ticket very soon.
  • #7614: Make sure the group members count routine is more accurate.
  • #8052 Should we stop using an activity meta to retrieve the new_blog_post activity action? @im4th will take the risk to decide 🤫
  • @im4th asked @espellcaste (once again 👮‍♂️) to try to make the list of the tickets he owns for 11.0.0 less bigger (selecting the tickets we absolutely need to include in 11.0.0 and punting others to a next release). Later after the chat, he said he will look into it during the coming week-end 👀

NB: although it would have been nice to include the global community visibility switch feature, we still need to discuss about the how: @im4th‘s personal opinion is “the later we make things invisible to not logged in users, the more issues we’ll be facing” which contrast with the idea of doing it just before rendering the BuddyPress content…

11.0.0 schedule reminder

  • First beta: October 19 November 8, 2022.
  • RC: December 1st, 2022.
  • Release: December 14, 2022.

10.5.0 Maintenance release

The Twenty Twenty-Three companion stylesheet probably won’t be included into this maintenance release but should be included into the 11.0.0 one. @im4th confirmed he will package this maintenance release at the end of October and before WordPress 6.1 final release.

Next Dev-Chat

It will happen November 2 at 19:30 UTC in #BuddyPress. If you have specific points or ideas you want to discuss about, don’t hesitate to share them in comments.

#10-0-0, #11-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary

BP Dev-Chat Agenda October 19, 2022


Our next development meeting will happen today October 19 at 19:30 UTC (today) and of course in #BuddyPress. Here’s our agenda:

  • 11.0.0-beta1 should be released today, according to our initial schedule🚨but we still have 19 tickets into 11.0.0 milestone 😱 Let’s take some hard decisions about punting the tickets we think won’t make it soon enough.
  • Trac tickets we should fix for 11.0.0 (imho) :
    • #8693 Site Members invitation & configs using the wp_signup table.
    • #7614 Group members count issues.
    • #8052 Should we stop using an activity meta to retrieve the new_blog_post activity action?
  • 10.5.0 minor release to welcome WordPress 6.1 new default theme (see #8746).

If you have specific/additional points you need to discuss about, please share them into the comments area of this post.


#10-5-0, #11-0-0, #agenda, #dev-chat

BP Dev-Chat summary : October 5, 2022

We’ve started the meeting talking about the 17 replies our call for feedbacks got at the time of the meeting. There are great remarks, ideas and suggestions. Many thanks to the contributors who shared their very inspiring thoughts. We value them a lot 😍.

11.0.0 updates

  • #8590: Cache improvements. The initial PR made by @nickchomey has been committed. We had a discussion about whether to include the other improvements that were added by a buddyboss-platform team member (This ticket was firslty added as a PR to the buddyboss-platform GitHub repository). The majority of the team thinks as code is open source & GPL compatible, there’s no reason not to enjoy these improvements as long as we properly credit its author and the buddyboss-platform project.
  • #8734: we’ve discussed about @dcavins first patch about how to implement a basic “private community” feature. Although the patch is already doing a great job and is a very interesting first approach, @im4th agrees with @johnjamesjacoby : a better one would be to think of it as a community visibility “level”. As announced during the chat, @im4th had a closer look to the patch and started an alternative PR to suggest the introduction of a bp_read cap which led to interesting new feedbacks on the ticket. Don’t hesitate to test it, and contribute to the ticket’s discussion.
  • #4184: being able to exclude a list of users from the activity stream is now possible in Core. This commit closed the ticket.
  • @im4th reminded the team we had 2 weeks left before the date we initially scheduled 11.0.0 first beta and asked @espellcaste to try to make the list of the tickets he owns for 11.0.0 less bigger (selecting the tickets we absolutely need to include in 11.0.0 and punting others to a next release).

11.0.0 schedule reminder

  • First beta: October 19, 2022 🚨 that’s tomorrow!
  • Release: December 14, 2022.

10.5.0 Maintenance release

@im4th announced he will package this maintenance release shortly before WordPress 6.1 is released so that BuddyPress behaves the best way into the next WP Default theme (Twenty Twenty-Three). If he finds the time, he’d like to finish optimizing some CSS rules about it. Don’t hesitate to give him a hand contributing to this ticket.

Open floor

About the BuddyPress.org website @johnjamesjacoby really wants us to feel more comfortable iteratively improving it, and asked the team to think about how we want to contribute to it. @im4th volunteered to give John’s a hand and maybe try to work on the list of submitted tickets about the website. As @dcavins noted, some of their authors are first time contributors and it would be great to include their suggestions. @espellcaste wants to spend more time on developer.buddypress.org along with PHPDoc improvements.

The new & gorgeous BuddyPress theme has a name and a GitHub repository, don’t hesitate to contribute to it.

Next Dev-Chat

It will happen tomorrow on October 19 at 19:30 UTC in #BuddyPress. If you have specific points or ideas you want to discuss about, don’t hesitate to share them in comments, the agenda will be published shortly.

#10-0-0, #11-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary