How-TosPrivacyPrivacy News

To Join or Not to join? Protecting Your Privacy on Clubhouse

Yet to be released to the general public, the invite-only social networking app Clubhouse has been making headlines since its launch in April 2020. Founded by ex-Google employee Rohan Seth and Silicon Valley entrepreneur Paul Davison, Clubhouse received a $12 million investment from the VC firm Andreessen Horowitz after just two months of existence. A […]

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PrivacyPrivacy News

Love Trouble: Can you protect your privacy when dating online?

Singles have a difficult time being targeted by Cupid’s arrows during the pandemic. But not by advertisers.   Dating apps usage and signup rates spiked during the pandemic. While acknowledging that a split-second swipe on the dating app will never be the same as the romantic chance encounter, the limitations of life in the times of […]

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BlurHacks and Data BreachesPrivacy

A Scammer’s Guide to Holiday Shopping Fraud in 2020

Guest Post by The Apocryphal Hacker (Note: For consumers looking to PROTECT themselves from scams and fraud, see Abine’s alternative guide on staying safe this holiday season). Let’s be real here, for scammers like us, COVID-19 hasn’t been so bad. In fact, you could say it’s been great. The boom in e-commerce transactions has meant […]

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BlurPrivacyPrivacy News

Online shopping scams increase by 98% during the holidays, Americans turn to Masked Cards

After a year of pandemic-driven difficulty, for many this holiday season can’t come soon enough. However, while most might be looking forward to a relaxing break after a trying year, credit card scammers are gearing up for overtime and online shopping scams are projected to double during the 2020 holiday season. With the average victim […]

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BlurDeleteMePrivacyPrivacy News

CPRA Passes in California with 56% Approval — a major privacy overhaul

The California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA), a major overhaul of the existing California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), passed as a ballot measure on November 3rd, winning 56% approval. While the measure received a fragmented mix of support and opposition from privacy advocates and consumer-rights organizations, Abine publicly supported the CPRA and thinks it’s passage is […]

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