The Halo-Halo Show explicit


Manage series 2482321
Av Podcast The Halo Halo Show, The Halo-Halo Show (w/ Rica G, and Podcast Network Asia oppdaget av Player FM og vårt samfunn — opphavsrett er eid av utgiveren, ikke Plaer FM, og lyd streames direkte fra deres servere. Trykk på Abonner knappen for å spore oppdateringer i Player FM, eller lim inn feed URLen til andre podcast apper.
FEEL FREE TO LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST IN ANY ORDER!On a quest to save Manila traffic (and now Pandemic) from boredom, we talk about what's happening around the world on our Trending Topics, answer your burning questions on our Leche Fan Mail, and just bring a wonderful mix *wink wink* of lighthearted fun, humor and reality to your earbudsHosted by Radio DJ's/Hosts/All-Around Weirdos Rica Garcia and JC Tevez, this show is bound to bring you laughs, silly insights and just a downright good time

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

284 episoder