The Premium Pete Show explicit


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Early in his career, the renaissance man, Premium Pete pioneered the podcasting industry as co-host of the iconic hip-hop program, The Combat Jack Show. In addition to producing podcasts for several major brands such as State Farm, Foot Locker, and HBO. Premium Pete created his own outlet with The Premium Pete Show. Having a respected voice and being an influential entrepreneur, it only made sense for the goodfella to provide a platform for his guests to tell their stories. Internets! The Premium Pete Show digs deep into the cultures of food, hip-hop, sneakers, entertainment and more! Whether it’s a LIFE GEM 💎 or a good laugh. Premium Pete shares stories told by others, notable figures around pop culture, family, entrepreneurial growth and much more. Tune in weekly so you don’t fuggetaboutit! Available on all streaming platforms including Apple Podcast, Spotify, SoundCloud, Stitcher, Google Play and more. Stay Connected: Subscribe, Rate & Tell a Friend to Tell a Friend, CHEA! ———————————————— As an entrepreneur Premium Pete has worked closely alongside some of the most respected brands in the world (i.e. Huy Fong Foods (Sriracha), Oreo, Corona, Nike, Puma, Adidas, Starbucks, Pepsi, Xfinity, Hennessy, etc.) Be sure to support Pete and some of his entrepreneurial ventures! “Grandeza Hot Sauce” (co-founded by Premium Pete, Rob Kardashian, Kris Jenner, Nicky Diamonds, and Chumlee). “Pete’s Premium Pasta Sauce” using a beloved century-old family recipe.

284 episoder