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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at TSIA


TSIA’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement

TSIA embraces equity, diversity, and inclusiveness. We view these pillars of excellence as crucial to healthy people, workplaces, and all stakeholder communities.


TSIA aspires to:

  • Promote a work environment that embraces diversity, equity, and inclusive policies.
  • Operate without prejudices.
  • Increase awareness of personal conscious and unconscious biases.
  • Support moves to stop racial injustice with our words and actions.
  • Through transparent processes (confidentiality considerations permitting), hold ourselves accountable to live by the principles espoused in this statement.

TSIA believes that:

  • As a research institute, the best insights come from being challenged by the most diverse perspectives.
  • Our core values are strengthened when all employees have a voice and are encouraged to contribute.
  • Every member of our team has a contribution to make. It is our collective obligation to encourage and promote those contributions.
  • Equity, diversity, and inclusion are active processes that require continuous commitment to promote healthy employees, healthy member communities, and shareholders for the overall success of present and future business.

TSIA’s values are realized through:

  • Actively encouraging business practices that allow all dimensions of diversity to influence and accelerate the success of our members, our employees, and our shareholders.
  • Fostering a culture of open-mindedness, compassion, respect, and inclusiveness among all individuals and groups.
  • Actively recruiting and developing an employee community from diverse cultures, backgrounds, and life experiences.
  • Creating and maintaining opportunities for engagement, education, and discourse related to issues of equity, diversity, and inclusion.
  • Adhering to all US federal and state laws with respect to equal opportunity and anti-discrimination.

Let’s not fool ourselves: We don’t need empathy, we need political change. We don’t need charity, we need justice. Corporations have to be willing to put their might behind things they care about.

Rashad Robinson, president of the civil rights campaign group Color of Change


A Message from TSIA’s President and CEO, J.B. Wood

The very public death of George Floyd and others at the hands of police has forced all of us to stand up, pay attention, and to wonder, “How could this be happening?” It has caused all of us to do some needed soul searching: Do I think or act in a racist way? Do we (TSIA) think or act in a racist way? What about my family? My group of friends? My community? Our government? The truth is that this problem is here and now…and always has been.

I agree with what Mr. Robinson says in his quote above completely. Words are not enough. We can and should act, as people, a company, and an industry, without prejudice. I intend to go further than I ever have to ensure both those statements are true and in practice. It also includes providing support to the movement with our words. But what keeps going around in my head is: Words are not enough. And my personal actions and those of TSIA are not enough.

But what is enough? What action can we take that will really make a difference? At TSIA, we’ve been having that discussion. We have asked every employee to think hard, scan the horizon, and make recommendations.

First, we felt strongly about upgrading our diversity, equity and inclusion statement to be clearer and more prescriptive about what we aspire to, what we believe in, and specifically, how we will go about moving towards a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable world and a just company, community and society. We recognize that, as a research and advisory firm to the technology industry, we are in a unique position to engage not only to mobilize our employees, but also the TSIA member community in this journey.


With this backdrop, TSIA is now taking a number of key steps in this direction, including:

Transparency and Accountability+
Employment Opportunities+
Learning and Education+
TSIA Member Engagement+
Investing in Black Lives+

This is a journey for TSIA and for society at large. To be effective, it must be a sustained journey long past the news cycle has passed. We are committed to making that journey as impactful as we can.


TSIA Gender and Racial Demographics

We believe in transparency, and acknowledge that these race and gender stats are not where we’d like them to be. TSIA is on a journey to becoming a more diverse company. We will continue to publish this data and expect to see positive trends.
