
the-happy-face asked:

If you're the real one. Who's holding the camera!?

I was. It was what they call a “selfie”. I’ll explain how to do them in a forthcoming post.


the-dread-wolf-who-dreams asked:

Why is Dream the only one among the Endless who created so many sentient beings to help him achieve his duty? Does he truly need it more than them, or is it another sign that he, way more than his siblings, need companionship? Or is it just because he's by nature a creative being, thus less purely reactive than the other Endless?

Good question. I’m pretty sure that Despair created her rats and that Destiny created the little flappy things. And nobody knows how things work in Delirium’s world. But I think it has more to do with the nature of dreams, and of place.


roboticchibitan asked:

Hello, Mr Gaiman!

I have decided to write a book! And I am writing it with intent to publish it someday. But I'm nervous because I'm chronically ill and I only have so much brain power on any given day and sometimes it's hardly any at all. So I just thought I'd do as others have done and ask for some encouraging words. Do you have any encouragement for a disabled writer with chronic brain fog?

As a fog-brained writer, the most encouraging thing I can tell you is that nobody ever has to read your first drafts. Nobody has to know that the two sentences they were reading were written days apart. Write on days you have a brain, edit on days you you have a different, less creative brain. You’ll be fine. Just keep going.


princessrococo asked:

If you could travel in time, what era would you most like to visit?

I’d like to potter about in the million years before “recorded history”. I want to understand more about people then and who we were and how we worked.


iopicat asked:

Are you the real one

I’m afraid so.


jamestheangora asked:

Mr Neil GaimanhasNoSocialMedia, do you like Hyacinths and Thistles by The 6ths?

Very much so. Also Wasps Nests.


youreamonocoque asked:

Hi Mr Gaiman, Does everyone actually have a book in them?



No. Many people just have bones. Or intestines.

The bones in the arches of my feet are written in Bauhaus,

And Robert Frost scribbled the muscles of my thighs.

The long line of my intestine is a trailing sentence.

I climb the shelves of my ribs and sit on the cushion of my diaphragm.

I read the story written on the lines of veins and arteries,

That flow across the surface of my heart,

There between the covers of my scapulae.

Someday, the story will end.

My heart will stop writing.

Today, my heart bleeds another page.

Tomorrow, another.

Tomorrow, another.


irisovertherainbow asked:

Hello there! I really hope I'm not bothering you, but I really wanted to tell you this.

It's about the "Wait and see". I know it's probably not an interpretation you had in mind, but as someone struggling with Very Bad Thoughts, it became comforting seeing that answer. Now, when I'm particularly upset, I can think "Wait and see. It might be bad, but it might be good, and to get to it, you just have to wait and see." and it really helps.

So thank you very much for it, and for your works in general (I've often used GO's ep 3's opening to distract myself, and Death's episode is a wonderfully kind view of a scary concept).

I hope you have a good day!

I’m really glad, and really glad it’s useful.


youreamonocoque asked:

Hi Mr Gaiman, Does everyone actually have a book in them?

No. Many people just have bones. Or intestines.


yoalexandrethe asked:

What's your opinion/thoughts on Chuck Tingle?

I believe that the world is a better place for having Chuck Tingle in it.