Internet for people, not profit

Make Firefox yours

The new Firefox is full of features designed with just you in mind. Browse seamlessly between devices, choose among exclusive colors, edit PDFs directly in your browser and get the level of privacy you deserve.

Browsing has never been so seamless

The new Firefox is full of features designed with just you in mind. Jump from one device to another and never lose track of what matters to you online.

More power to you.

Mozilla puts people before profit, creating products, technologies and programs that make the internet healthier for everyone.

Learn more about us

Featured Mozilla Products

Mozilla VPN

Protection for your whole device, on every device

Surf, stream, game, and get work done while maintaining your privacy online.

Get Mozilla VPN

Firefox Browser

Firefox is for (internet) lovers

Super fast and fiercely independent. Get the only browser that works to make the internet better for everyone.

Explore Firefox


Welcome to the web, sunny side up

Millions of people rely on Pocket to save and discover the best articles, stories and videos on the web. As part of the Firefox family, Pocket has the same dedication to privacy

Try Pocket

Firefox Relay

Un-spam your life with Firefox Relay

Generate real, working email aliases so you don't have to compromise your real address and clutter up your inbox till the end of time.

Try Relay

Support a healthy internet.

The non-profit Mozilla Foundation supports online privacy & security, trustworthy artificial intelligence (AI), accountability for big tech corporations, and more.

Visit the Mozilla Foundation

Privacy over profit

No shareholders. No data for sale.

A Firefox Account protects you rather than profits off you.