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Industry veterans Gina Trapani and Chris LoSacco chat with their friends and team about technology, business, and leadership. Decades of experience inform their insightful discussions about what digital transformation really means. Created by Postlight, the digital strategy, product, design, and engineering firm they lead in New York City.
For our fourth season, we're bringing you the story of Pam Grier as only she can tell it. Her overnight stardom, her iconic roles, her fights against the system. It’s a story of bravery, both onscreen and off. It’s a story about race in Hollywood and race in America. And it’s a story about how real life is a lot messier than the movies. Pam Grier joins host Ben Mankiewicz for the new season of The Plot Thickens, starting October 25.
In The Flow

In The Flow

Jackson Long, MS SENr

Join accredited performance nutritionist, coach, and plant-based mountain athlete Jackson Long as he explores the intersections between endurance sport, plant-based eating and performance nutrition, human and planetary health, and mindfulness to fuel the flow of meaningful movement.
Science for people who give a sh*t. Want to feel better AND unf*ck the world? The 6-time Webby nominee delivers deep conversations with the world's smartest people (scientists, doctors, CEO's, farmers, and more!), and digestible news updates every single week, loaded with tips and steps you and we can take to fix this place right up. We're talkin' clean energy and coral reefs, COVID vaccines and pediatric cancer research, clean water and carbon capture tech, asteroid deflection and artificia ...
It’s no secret that business owners want to receive positive reviews and customers want to have a positive experience. In Behind the Review, Yelp and Entrepreneur dig a little deeper on both accounts. Hosted by Yelp’s Small Business Expert, Emily Washcovick, Behind the Review features conversations with reviewers and business owners about their experiences—whether it was one star or five stars—giving listeners behind-the-scenes insights into what was really going on. Restaurants, plumbers, f ...
As the tone of public discourse becomes increasingly angry and divisive, Common Ground Committee offers a healing path to reaching agreement and moving forward. We talk with top leaders in public policy, finance, academe and more to encourage the seeking and finding of points of agreement, and to demonstrate how combating incivility can lead us forward.
We're deep diving each episode of Netflix's 1899 by the minds that brought you DARK, Baran bo Odar and Jantje Friese. Hosted by DARK superfans Zach Brooks (@brooksza) and Aaron Brooks (@aaronjaybrooks). Send us your feedback at [email protected]. We deep dive every episode of Netflix's mystery series 1899. We'll be discussing each episode, checking in a few times per week. Previously we covered every episode of DARK and FARGO s4. Those podcasts are in the archives.
The Relentless is a podcast from CENTURY 21 Real Estate and Slate Studios that rethinks business, redefines success, and reimagines customer experiences. Season 3 looks at how entrepreneurs can overcome the assumptions and barriers that hold us back so we can move fearlessly in real estate, business, and beyond. Host Kristen Meinzer is back for more conversations with bold and passionate guests who succeed by finding strength and motivation in the face of obstacles. From athletes who break b ...
Bear Brook

Bear Brook

New Hampshire Public Radio

Jason Carroll is serving life in prison for a murder he says he didn’t commit. The only evidence against him? His own taped confession. More than 30 years later, is it possible to get to the truth – and who gets to tell it?
My name is Jay Shetty, and my purpose is to make wisdom go viral. I’m fortunate to have fascinating conversations with the most insightful people in the world, and on my podcast, I’m sharing those conversation with you. New episodes Mondays and Fridays. Listen anywhere you get your podcasts, and please rate and review the podcast if you enjoy it. Live life today ON PURPOSE.
Over the past eleven years, pop music favorites and social media sensations Cimorelli have developed a massive following based on their family-style harmonies, big personalities and strong messages of hope, self-worth and vulnerability. Join Christina, Katherine, Lisa, Amy, and Lauren Cimorelli for this lively, candid, and hilarious roundtable discussion on relationships, love and life.
Money. Romance. Tragedy. Deception. The story of Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos is an unbelievable tale of ambition and fame gone terribly wrong. How did the world’s youngest self-made female billionaire lose it all in the blink of an eye? How did the woman once heralded as “the next Steve Jobs” find herself facing criminal charges — to which she pleaded not guilty — and up to decades in prison? How did her technology, meant to revolutionize health care, potentially put millions of patients a ...
The Adviser Podcast Network brings together the best of the Australian broking industry within one dedicated platform – delivering brokers professional development advice and top tips on running a successful broking business. Lead by editor Annie Kane, The Adviser Podcast Network includes a number of focused programs, including: Elite Broker: Interviews with Australia’s leading brokers to uncover their career progression, how they’re operating a busy broker business, and their top tips for b ...
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