• Pricing Calculator

    • Simple pricing and performance options

      Calculate your price before you get started with APEX. We're an open book when it comes to pricing. Simply choose the service that best fits your needs and quickly see a monthly price summary based on a few key inputs.

    Select a data service
    Select a performance tier
    Set a base capacity (TB)
    Select a management preference and location
    Select a subscription term
    Data Service
    Performance Tier
    Base Capacity
    Subscription Term
    per month
    per GB
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    Price Summary
    Service type
    Select an instance type
    Instances are standardized combinations of compute and memory resources – defined by a fixed physical memory to a physical core ratio.
    Choose a number of instances
    Select the quantity of instances you need to support your workloads using the slider.
    Choose the storage capacity (TB)
    Storage capacity options will dynamically scale according to your total instance quantity selection above. Capacity shown here is raw terabytes.
    Select a subscription term
    Price Summary
    Instance Type
    # of Instances
    Storage Capacity
    Subscription Term
    per month
    Explore APEX Cloud Services with VMware Cloud
    Select an instance type
    Instances are standardized combinations of compute and memory resources – defined by a fixed physical memory to a physical core ratio.
    Choose a number of instances
    Select the quantity of instances you need to support your workloads using the slider.
    Choose the storage capacity (TB)
    Storage capacity options will dynamically scale according to your total instance quantity selection above. Select 'No storage' option if you want compute-only nodes.
    Select a subscription term
    Price Summary
    Instance Type
    # of Instances
    Storage Capacity
    Subscription Term
    per month
    Explore APEX Private Cloud
    Select an instance type
    Instances are standardized combinations of compute and memory resources – defined by a fixed physical memory to a physical core ratio.
    Choose a number of instances
    Select the quantity of instances you need to support your workloads using the slider.
    Choose the storage capacity (TB)
    Storage capacity options will dynamically scale according to your total instance quantity selection above. Select 'No storage' option if you want compute-only nodes.
    Select a subscription term
    Price Summary
    Instance Type
    # of Instances
    Storage Capacity
    Subscription Term
    per month
    Explore APEX Hybrid Cloud
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    { "calculators": [ { "name": "APEX Data Storage Services", "slug": "adss", "description": "As-a-Service portfolio of scalable and elastic storage resources", "linkLabel": "Learn More", "linkCalculateLabel": "Calculate", "link": "https://www.dell.com/en-us/dt/apex/cloud-services/data-storage-services.htm", "icon": "/content/dam/web-resources/project-specific/apex/price-calculator/images/icon-apex-calc-adss.svg", "disclaimer1": "

    Estimate based on current pricing, subject to change. For estimation purposes only and not a binding offer. Actual fees may be higher than the estimate depending on actual usage, service options, subscription term and location. Contact your Dell Technologies Sales Representative or channel partner for more information. Dell Technologies distributors and partners are free to set their own resale pricing.

    Capacity expressed in TB where 1 TB = 2^40 bytes, capacity expressed in GB where 1 GB = 2^30 bytes.

    This calculator assumes a 730 hour month.

    ", "disclaimer2": "

    Block Services: Read and write maximum performance based on 256KB IO Size and 100% sequential read/write workloads in block optimized mode (per base TB). IOPS maximum performance based on random mixed block workload in block optimized mode (per base TB).

    File Services: Maximum read/write throughput performance based on NFSv3 protocol with 100% sequential read / write workloads (per base TB). Maximum ops/sec performance based on NFSv3 protocol with a common NAS File Sharing benchmark (per base TB). Performance metrics are based on specific base capacity points.

    Performance metrics are based on specific base capacity points. Higher performance could be achieved depending on subscribed capacity.

    " }, { "name": "APEX Cloud Services with VMware Cloud", "slug": "acsvmc", "description": "On-premises cloud infrastructure delivering a rich as-a-service experience with scalable compute, storage and networking resources for your VMware workloads", "linkLabel": "Learn More", "linkCalculateLabel": "Calculate", "link": "https://www.dell.com/en-us/dt/apex/cloud-services/vmware-cloud.htm", "icon": "/content/dam/web-resources/project-specific/apex/price-calculator/images/icon-apex-calc-cloud.svg", "disclaimer1": "

    Estimate based on current pricing, subject to change. For estimation purposes only and not a binding offer. Estimate does not include taxes that may be applicable. Actual fees may be higher than the estimate depending on service options, subscription term and location. Contact your Dell Technologies Sales Representative or channel partner for more information. Dell Technologies distributors and partners are free to set their own resale pricing.

    " }, { "name": "APEX Hybrid Cloud", "slug": "ahc", "description": "On-premises cloud infrastructure delivering a consistent and secure cloud experience with full control of your operations and VMware workloads across multicloud environments", "linkLabel": "Learn More", "linkCalculateLabel": "Calculate", "link": "https://www.dell.com/en-us/dt/apex/cloud-services/vmware-cloud.htm", "icon": "/content/dam/web-resources/project-specific/apex/price-calculator/images/icon-apex-calc-ahc.svg", "disclaimer1": "

    Estimate based on VMware Cloud Foundation Standard Edition and current pricing, subject to change. For estimation purposes only and not a binding offer. Estimate does not include taxes that may be applicable. Actual fees may be higher than the estimate depending on service options, subscription term and location. Contact your Dell Technologies Sales Representative or channel partner for more information. Dell Technologies distributors and partners are free to set their own resale pricing.

    " }, { "name": "APEX Private Cloud", "slug": "apc", "description": "Start small and scale up with on-premises cloud infrastructure for VMware workloads at your data center and edge locations", "linkLabel": "Learn More", "linkCalculateLabel": "Calculate", "link": "https://www.dell.com/en-us/dt/apex/cloud-services/vmware-cloud.htm", "icon": "/content/dam/web-resources/project-specific/apex/price-calculator/images/icon-apex-calc-apc.svg", "disclaimer1": "

    Estimate based on Dell Integrated Rack and current pricing, subject to change. For estimation purposes only and not a binding offer. Estimate does not include taxes that may be applicable. Actual fees may be higher than the estimate depending on service options, subscription term and location. Contact your Dell Technologies Sales Representative or channel partner for more information. Dell Technologies distributors and partners are free to set their own resale pricing.

    " } ] }
    { "types":[ { "name":"Compute Optimized", "slug":"compute-optimized", "icon":"/content/dam/web-resources/project-specific/apex/price-calculator/images/icon-apex-calc-compute-optimized.svg", "descriptionHead":"4GB Memory-Core Ratio", "description":"Ideal for:", "useCases":["Mainstream web servers", "Batch processing", "High performance computing (HPC)", "Media encoding servers"], "min":128, "max":1600, "memoryCoreRatio":4, "priceFactor":[ { "term":"year-1", "rates":[ { "max":64, "price":227.58 }, { "max":256, "price":60.16 }, { "max":448, "price":57.16 }, { "max":832, "price":54.3 }, { "max":999999, "price":51.58 } ] }, { "term":"year-3", "rates":[ { "max":64, "price":151.72 }, { "max":256, "price":40.11 }, { "max":448, "price":38.1 }, { "max":832, "price":36.2 }, { "max":999999, "price":34.39 } ] } ], "terms":[ { "name":"3 year", "slug":"year-3" }, { "name":"1 year", "slug":"year-1" } ] }, { "name":"General Purpose", "slug":"general-purpose", "icon":"/content/dam/web-resources/project-specific/apex/price-calculator/images/icon-apex-calc-general-purpose.svg", "descriptionHead":"8GB Memory-Core Ratio", "description":"Ideal for:", "useCases":["Medium traffic web servers", "Database application servers", "CI/CD pipeline servers"], "min":128, "max":1600, "memoryCoreRatio":8, "priceFactor":[ { "term":"year-1", "rates":[ { "max":64, "price":237.36 }, { "max":256, "price":63.49 }, { "max":448, "price":60.31 }, { "max":832, "price":57.3 }, { "max":999999, "price":54.43 } ] }, { "term":"year-3", "rates":[ { "max":64, "price":158.24 }, { "max":256, "price":42.33 }, { "max":448, "price":40.21 }, { "max":832, "price":38.2 }, { "max":999999, "price":36.29 } ] } ], "terms":[ { "name":"3 year", "slug":"year-3" }, { "name":"1 year", "slug":"year-1" } ] }, { "name":"Memory Optimized", "slug":"memory-optimized", "icon":"/content/dam/web-resources/project-specific/apex/price-calculator/images/icon-apex-calc-memory-optimized.svg", "descriptionHead":"16GB Memory-Core Ratio", "description":"Ideal for:", "useCases":["Relational databases", "Mid-size in-memory databases", "Data mining","Webscale in-memory caches"], "min":64, "max":1600, "memoryCoreRatio":16, "priceFactor":[ { "term":"year-1", "rates":[ { "max":64, "price":291.38 }, { "max":256, "price":72.25 }, { "max":448, "price":68.63 }, { "max":832, "price":67.26 }, { "max":999999, "price":65.92 } ] }, { "term":"year-3", "rates":[ { "max":64, "price":194.25 }, { "max":256, "price":48.16 }, { "max":448, "price":45.76 }, { "max":832, "price":44.84 }, { "max":999999, "price":43.94 } ] } ], "terms":[ { "name":"3 year", "slug":"year-3" }, { "name":"1 year", "slug":"year-1" } ] }, { "name":"Large-Scale Memory Optimized", "slug":"large-scale-memory", "icon":"/content/dam/web-resources/project-specific/apex/price-calculator/images/icon-apex-calc-large-scale.svg", "descriptionHead":"32GB Memory-Core Ratio", "description":"Ideal for:", "useCases":["High performance relational databases", "Large in-memory databases", "Data mining","Large webscale in-memory caches"], "min":128, "max":1600, "memoryCoreRatio":32, "priceFactor":[ { "term":"year-1", "rates":[ { "max":64, "price":355.72 }, { "max":256, "price":103.65 }, { "max":448, "price":98.47 }, { "max":832, "price":93.55 }, { "max":999999, "price":88.87 } ] }, { "term":"year-3", "rates":[ { "max":64, "price":237.15 }, { "max":256, "price":69.1 }, { "max":448, "price":65.65 }, { "max":832, "price":62.36 }, { "max":999999, "price":59.25 } ] } ], "terms":[ { "name":"3 year", "slug":"year-3" }, { "name":"1 year", "slug":"year-1" } ] } ], "storage": { "priceFactor":[ { "term":"year-1", "rates":[ { "max":8, "price":342.01 }, { "max":32, "price":92.39 }, { "max":69, "price":83.15 }, { "max":115, "price":74.83 }, { "max":999999, "price":67.35 } ] }, { "term":"year-3", "rates":[ { "max":8, "price":228.01 }, { "max":32, "price":61.59 }, { "max":69, "price":55.43 }, { "max":115, "price":49.89 }, { "max":999999, "price":44.9 } ] } ] } }
    { "services":[ { "name":"Block", "slug":"block-services", "icon":"/content/dam/web-resources/project-specific/apex/price-calculator/images/icon-apex-calc-block.svg", "descriptionHead":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur", "description":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr. Sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore.", "tiers":[ { "name":"Capacity Optimized", "slug":"tier-3", "icon":"/content/dam/web-resources/project-specific/apex/price-calculator/images/icon-apex-calc-tier-3.svg", "descriptionHead":"", "description":"", "read":"50 (MB/s per TB)", "write":"8 (MB/s per TB)", "iops":"700 (per TB)", "useCases":["Smaller databases", "test / dev", "IoT applications", "Disaster Recovery", "commodity SQL", "Manufacturing Execution Systems"], "min":50, "max":2000, "default":50, "step":25, "priceFactor":[ { "term":"year-1", "rates":[ { "max":50, "price":102.995 }, { "max":200, "price":64.887 }, { "max":999999, "price":62.94 } ] }, { "term":"year-3", "rates":[ { "max":50, "price":79.227 }, { "max":200, "price":49.913 }, { "max":999999, "price":48.416 } ] } ], "priceFactorColocation":[ { "term":"year-1", "rates":[ { "max":50, "price":338.63 }, { "max":200, "price":60.953 }, { "max":999999, "price":59.125 } ] }, { "term":"year-3", "rates":[ { "max":50, "price":260.485 }, { "max":200, "price":46.887 }, { "max":999999, "price":45.481 } ] } ], "priceFactorCustomerOnPrem":[ { "term":"year-1", "rates":[ { "max":50, "price":83.2 }, { "max":200, "price":49.92 }, { "max":999999, "price":47.923 } ] }, { "term":"year-3", "rates":[ { "max":50, "price":64 }, { "max":200, "price":38.4 }, { "max":999999, "price":36.864 } ] } ] }, { "name":"Balanced", "slug":"tier-2", "icon":"/content/dam/web-resources/project-specific/apex/price-calculator/images/icon-apex-calc-tier-2.svg", "descriptionHead":"", "description":"", "read":"80 (MB/s per TB)", "write":"12 (MB/s per TB)", "iops":"1,100 (per TB)", "useCases":["Medium sized virtual environments", "relational databases", "data warehousing", "SQL", "Oracle", "MongoDB"], "min":50, "max":2000, "default":50, "step":25, "priceFactor":[ { "term":"year-1", "rates":[ { "max":50, "price":139.141 }, { "max":200, "price":61.222 }, { "max":999999, "price":59.385 } ] }, { "term":"year-3", "rates":[ { "max":50, "price":107.031 }, { "max":200, "price":47.094 }, { "max":999999, "price":45.681 } ] } ], "priceFactorColocation":[ { "term":"year-1", "rates":[ { "max":50, "price":342.314 }, { "max":200, "price":61.617 }, { "max":999999, "price":59.768 } ] }, { "term":"year-3", "rates":[ { "max":50, "price":263.319 }, { "max":200, "price":47.397 }, { "max":999999, "price":45.976 } ] } ], "priceFactorCustomerOnPrem":[ { "term":"year-1", "rates":[ { "max":50, "price":105.3 }, { "max":200, "price":51.597 }, { "max":999999, "price":50.565 } ] }, { "term":"year-3", "rates":[ { "max":50, "price":81 }, { "max":200, "price":39.69 }, { "max":999999, "price":38.896 } ] } ] }, { "name":"Performance Optimized", "slug":"tier-1", "icon":"/content/dam/web-resources/project-specific/apex/price-calculator/images/icon-apex-calc-tier-1.svg", "descriptionHead":"", "description":"", "read":"100 (MB/s per TB)", "write":"20 (MB/s per TB)", "iops":"1,800 (per TB)", "useCases":["Financial services", "Big Data and analytics", "healthcare", "SAP HANA", "Splunk", "Spark", "Oracle and SQL (big instances)"], "min":100, "max":2000, "default":100, "step":25, "priceFactor":[ { "term":"year-1", "rates":[ { "max":100, "price":138.734 }, { "max":200, "price":76.304 }, { "max":999999, "price":74.015 } ] }, { "term":"year-3", "rates":[ { "max":100, "price":106.719 }, { "max":200, "price":58.695 }, { "max":999999, "price":56.934 } ] } ], "priceFactorColocation":[ { "term":"year-1", "rates":[ { "max":100, "price":249.59 }, { "max":200, "price":79.869 }, { "max":999999, "price":78.271 } ] }, { "term":"year-3", "rates":[ { "max":100, "price":191.992 }, { "max":200, "price":61.438 }, { "max":999999, "price":60.21 } ] } ], "priceFactorCustomerOnPrem":[ { "term":"year-1", "rates":[ { "max":100, "price":104 }, { "max":200, "price":60.32 }, { "max":999999, "price":59.114 } ] }, { "term":"year-3", "rates":[ { "max":100, "price":80 }, { "max":200, "price":46.4 }, { "max":999999, "price":45.472 } ] } ] } ], "terms":[ { "name":"3 year", "slug":"year-3" }, { "name":"1 year", "slug":"year-1" } ], "locations":[ { "name":"Dell-managed
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    { "types":[ { "name":"Compute Optimized", "slug":"compute-optimized", "icon":"/content/dam/web-resources/project-specific/apex/price-calculator/images/icon-apex-calc-compute-optimized.svg", "descriptionHead":"4GB Memory-Core Ratio", "description":"Ideal for:", "useCases":["Mainstream web servers", "Batch processing", "High performance computing (HPC)", "Media encoding servers"], "min":32, "max":1536, "step":32, "memoryCoreRatio":4, "priceFactor":[ { "term":"year-1", "rates":[ { "max":64, "price":107.55 }, { "max":256, "price":29.17 }, { "max":448, "price":26.25 }, { "max":832, "price":24.94 }, { "max":999999, "price":23.69 } ] }, { "term":"year-3", "rates":[ { "max":64, "price":71.7 }, { "max":256, "price":19.44 }, { "max":448, "price":17.5 }, { "max":832, "price":16.63 }, { "max":999999, "price":15.79 } ] } ], "terms":[ { "name":"3 year", "slug":"year-3" }, { "name":"1 year", "slug":"year-1" } ] }, { "name":"General Purpose", "slug":"general-purpose", 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