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Jen Hamon 👻
I hold the door open for others. Ex-.
Boston, August 2010

Jen Hamon 👻’s Tweets

I'm thinking about planning a post-Thanksgiving vacation as a palate cleanser after all this Elon Musk drama. Barcelona maybe? Send me your ideas.
So my friends are gone, the vision is murky, there is a storm coming and a no financial upside. What would you do? Would you sacrifice time with your kids over the holidays for vague assurances and the opportunity to make a rich person richer or would you take the out?
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Did the poor IT person responsible for employee offboarding also resign? We're 5 hours past the ultimatum deadline and I'm still able to read company Slack messages.
I resigned today from my job at Twitter. I have nothing but love and admiration for the incredibly kind and talented people I have worked with over these past 4 years. #LoveWhereYouWorked 💙
This is a lie. I ran this program up until a week ago when I resigned because I didn’t want to work for For breakfast & lunch we spent $20-$25 a day per person. This enabled employees to work thru lunchtime & mtgs. Attendance was anything from 20-50% in the offices.
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Replying to @nichegamer
Especially bizarre given that almost no one came to the office. Estimated cost per lunch served in past 12 months is >$400.
Update: company sources tell me that yesterday Twitter eliminated ~4,400 of its ~5,500 contract employees, with cuts expected to have significant impact to content moderation and the core infrastructure services that keep the site up and running. People inside are stunned.
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So basically we decimated whatever remains of Twitter's $5B advertising business so we can collect a few million in subscriber fees. Bravo.
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BREAKING: Internal logs show that more than 140,000 accounts have signed up for the new $8 a month Twitter Blue. And that’s just iOS users. In America. Over 2 days
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It's so weird how all the people in my mentions hating on twitter employees have approximately 0 followers 🙃
Have you ever heard of a tech company where employees primarily communicate with each other via and other non-work communication tools? That's my lived experience at Twitter right now.
The way things are going, I’m not sure Twitter will be retaining anyone for long
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Replying to @jenplusplus
Twitter is finding cheaper ways (toxic environment, chaos, cutting bonds, changing company culture) to reduce costs without paying severance while retaining loyalists who accept any work conditions.