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Кешируем API ответы для frontend приложения с помощью Yakbak

JavaScript *Programming *

Представьте себе типичную ситуацию: вы frontend разработчик в обычный компании. После сытного обеда вы лениво скроллите Хабр и смотрите Ютуб. Вдруг в чат прилетает сообщение от девопсов: "Ребята, мы планируем сегодня вечером разгрузить мастер и перенести admission контроллер на ноду и чтобы два раза не вставать всем подам выделим 50 CPU. Завтра всё будет работать как обычно, но быстрее!"
Вы понимаете, что скорее всего всё пойдёт не так и штатной работы микросервисов можно ожидать не раньше чем через пару дней. Но есть более важная для вас задача: на сегодняшнем митинге вы обещали тимлиду показать МВП фичи уже послезавтра.
Остаётся два варианта: поднять зоопарк микросервисов на своей машине прямо сейчас (долгий кровавый путь) или закешировать все необходимые для frontend приложения API запросы.
Предлагаю простой вариант использования второго варианта.

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WWDC22 hidden gems

Development for iOS *Development of mobile applications *

For iOS developers, WWDC is always something of a New Year. We are presented with so many new products, and sometimes you can get lost in them. Most of my colleagues are trying to be in touch by watching “Platform State of Union” and all “What’s new” sessions. The event basically provides an opportunity to developers a glimpse of the features to expect from the software part. When Apple has a conference like this one, they want to make sure they have enough time to get everything done. In order to do this, they need to be able to work at their own pace and not worry about how long it will take them to get something done.

This means that if you have a small project, it may not be that important but once you move into larger projects with more people involved, every second saved can be worth several dollars in terms of money saved or profit made by the company. The platform tightly integrates programming languages, frameworks, and tools. Everyone gains when these three complement one another. Customers receive a consistent experience, such as scrolling that feels right every time. And developers may devote more time and attention to what distinguishes the app.

And it’s fine, you don’t need to spend so much time for this other unpopular stuff. However, in these, not-so-popular videos as couple of them may be called as “hidden gems” because of the content or a beautiful presentation/structure. Let me show couple of them!

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Startup story — how we pivoted mobile apps and business from «beauty Uber» to «beauty coworking»

Development of mobile applications *Mobile applications design *Mobile applications monetization *Start-up development Business Models *

Hi everyone! My name is Dmitrii Konstantinov and this is a personal story of experience and growth in a cozy startup. How we made a business pivot and adapted the server and mobile apps for it. What challenges did we face and how did we solve them.

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How we designed the user interface for an enterprise analytical system

Singula Team corporate blog Big Data *CGI *Data Engineering *

In 2021, we were contacted by an industrial plant that was faced with the need to create a system for analyzing processes in its production. The enterprise team studied ready-made solutions, but none of the analytics system designs fully covered the required functionality. So they turned to us with a request to develop their own analytical system that would collect data from all machines and allow it to be analyzed to see bottlenecks in production. For this project, we created a data-driven UI/UX design and also developed a web-based interface for the equipment monitoring system.

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Understanding the Differences Between Kafka and RabbitMQ: in Simple Terms

Иннотех corporate blog Programming *IT Infrastructure *Data storage *DevOps *

Software message brokers became the standard for creating complex systems. However not all IT specialists understand how these instruments work. Pavel Malygin, Lead System Analyst at Innotech, dives into the topic of message brokers and explains how they are used.

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PostgreSQL 16: Part 2 or CommitFest 2022-09

Postgres Professional corporate blog PostgreSQL *SQL *

It's official! PostgreSQL 15 is out, and the community is abuzz discussing all the new features of the fresh release.

Meanwhile, the October CommitFest for PostgreSQL 16 had come and gone, with its own notable additions to the code.

If you missed the July CommitFest, our previous article will get you up to speed in no time.

Here are the patches I want to talk about:

SYSTEM_USER function
Frozen pages/tuples information in autovacuum's server log
pg_stat_get_backend_idset returns the actual backend ID
Improved performance of ORDER BY / DISTINCT aggregates
Faster bulk-loading into partitioned tables
Optimized lookups in snapshots
Bidirectional logical replication
pg_auth_members: pg_auth_members: role membership granting management
pg_auth_members: role membership and privilege inheritance
pg_receivewal and pg_recvlogical can now handle SIGTERM

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Digital modeling of analog guitar distortion effects

Circuit design *Manufacture and development of electronics *Software DIY Sound

The sound of rock music, in particular of hard rock and heavy metal, is largely based on a specially distorted guitar sound, for which electronic “distortion” devices, tube amplifiers in “overloaded” mode, computers with appropriate software and digital processors are used. increasingly using neural network algorithms.

The distorted sound of electric guitars began to gain popularity around the 1960s. Since that time, the sound of overloaded tube amplifiers, connected to powerful dedicated guitar speakers with large dedicated speakers, has been considered the benchmark in rock music. But tube amplifiers were relatively expensive and inconvenient to operate. Therefore, semiconductor distortion devices were developed.

At that time, the electrical circuitry of distortion devices was relatively simple and the signal output from their output only vaguely resembled the sound of an overloaded tube amplifier. Nevertheless, it was still somewhat similar to the “sound of a lamp” and this provided a powerful incentive for designers of analog semiconductor distortion circuits to continue their research, complicate circuits and propose new circuit solutions. The heyday of analog solid-state distortion was around 1995-2010. The most popular were electrical circuit diagrams like those shown in the figure below.

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How to handle Stale Element Reference Exception in E2E testing of modern SPA applications

Bimeister corporate blog IT systems testing *.NET *C# *Web services testing *

Hello everyone, my name is Denis, I am Software Developer Engineer in Test (SDET) at Bimeister. I am in charge of test software development - frameworks, automated tests, CI Pipelines configuration, and much more.

In this article, I will tell you how we defeated the Stale Element Reference Exception while developing our framework using Selenium WebDriver and C#.

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I trained a neural network on my drawings and give the model for free (and teach you to create your own)

Python *Image processing *Machine learning *Graphic design *Artificial Intelligence

Great for seamless patterns, abstract drawings, and watercolor-styled images. How to use it and train a neural network on your own pictures?

Download the model here: https://huggingface.co/netsvetaev/netsvetaev-free

I wanna know!
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Features to expect from Apple's upcoming AR/VR headset

Development for AR and VR *
Recovery mode

Apple next year is planning to enter a new product category, launching its first mixed reality headset. Rumors indicate that the upcoming headset will support both AR and VR technology, and that it will have features that will outshine competing products.

With the iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch, Apple's hardware and software led it to dominate those categories within a few short years after entering a new market, and it's likely the same thing will happen with augmented and virtual reality. We've rounded up 10 features rumored for the AR/VR headset that will set it apart from competitors.

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«Look what I have!» — how we made the feature of screen sharing in the mobile video conferencing app

Development of mobile applications *Mobile applications design *Mobile App Analytics *Video conferencing

How we listened to the needs of our customers and implemented the feature with the maximum capabilities of the iOS and Android platforms. Then we looked into analytics, added onboarding, and usage grew. At the end of the article there are some cool conclusions and insights. Developing a video conferencing mobile app is fun!

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Queries in PostgreSQL. Nested Loop

Postgres Professional corporate blog PostgreSQL *SQL *

So far we've discussed query execution stagesstatistics, and the two basic data access methods: Sequential scan and Index scan.

The next item on the list is join methods. This article will remind you what logical join types are out there, and then discuss one of three physical join methods, the Nested loop join. Additionally, we will check out the row memoization feature introduced in PostgreSQL 14.

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How to Customize UI Artefacts for Selenide + Selenoid + Allure (with TestOPS)

Иннотех corporate blog IT systems testing *Web services testing *Mobile applications testing *

The common combination of JUnit5, Selenide and Allure has proven to be stable and reliable for autotesting. The remaining issue, however, lies in test length increase up until the rise of overall test numbers. The resulting video files turn out to be over an hour. Alexander Kochergin, Lead engineer at Innotech, has found a way to simplify the process.

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Size does matter… (part 1)

Git *Shells *Development for Android *Build automation *DevOps *

No matter how we deceive ourselves - size matters! Of course, we will talk about the size of our android application, where we add a bunch of cool features, and we don’t even think about how this can negatively affect the app size. Therefore, we will learn how to detect app size regression on CI to automate this process. In this part, we will discuss how you can easily check the app size in development branch.

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Tutorial: Frontity — Setting Up Authorization for WordPress Private Endpoints

WordPress *JavaScript *ReactJS *


This tutorial is intended primarily for those new to Frontity (React framework for WordPress) development.

Primary goal

Collect in one place all the necessary information for setting up authorization for WordPress private endpoints using the example of getting a menu collection (wp-json/wp/v2/menus).

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Methodology for calculating results of a task set: taking into account its level of difficulty

IT Infrastructure *Mathematics *Statistics in IT IT-companies

In the world of academic knowledge evaluation, objective calculation of large data presents a serious problem. Can a student studying in an Advanced Maths class and getting B-marks be evaluated equally with another student, getting B-marks in a General Maths class? Can we create a system that would take into account the level of difficulty those students face?

This article will describe a system of independent evaluation we have been using for school olympics in five subjects (Mathematics, English Language, Russian Language, Tatar Language, Social Science) for students grades 1 to 11. In each academic year we organise six qualification tournaments, with about 15,000 students from different regions of Russia. Then we select the top ten participants in each subject and each grade for their future participation in the final (seventh) tournament, where only the best of the best are chosen. It means that 550 participants compete in the final tournament, which is about 5.5% of all participants in the academic year. 

It is obvious that those multiple tournaments cannot be absolutely homogenous, and inevitably the levels of difficulty for each set of tasks vary. Therefore, it is critical for us to take into consideration those variations of difficulty and calculate the results in the most objective manner.

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