Alzheimer’s is a devastating disease impacting millions of families and our nation’s economy. The only way to change this is through research.

That is why the Alzheimer’s Association, working with and through the Alzheimer’s Impact Movement (AIM), is leading the way to increase research funding at federal and state levels.

We have propelled the federal government to rise to this challenge, resulting in a more than seven-fold increase in federal Alzheimer’s and dementia research funding since 2011 — including a $300 million increase for Alzheimer’s research at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for fiscal year 2021. With this increase, along with previous research investments, the NIH is expected to spend $3.2 billion on Alzheimer’s research in 2021.

As a result of this unprecedented funding, scientists are able to work at a more rapid pace to advance basic disease knowledge, explore ways to reduce risk, uncover new biomarkers for early diagnosis and drug targeting, and develop potential treatments.

Even with these great strides, we know more work remains:

  • Join us as we call on Congress to renew its commitment in the fight by increasing Alzheimer’s and dementia research funding at the NIH by $289 million for fiscal year 2022.
  • Help us grow support for the ENACT Act, bipartisan legislation to increase clinical trial participation among underrepresented populations. The ENACT Act is an important step to addressing shortcomings in our pursuit of health equity.