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Industrial Cybersecurity

As threats targeting industrial infrastructure increase, choosing the right advisor and technology partner to secure your systems has never been more important.

Industrial Cybersecurity Is Different

There may be some overlap in the threats, but there are huge differences between the cybersecurity requirements of ICS environments and those of general business.

Corporate environments focus on protecting confidential data; when it comes to industrial systems, where every minute of downtime or error counts, uninterrupted operations are the ultimate priority. This is what distinguishes industrial cybersecurity from other domains – and makes working with the right security vendor so important.


There’s no out-of-box industrial cybersecurity. It’s a process that moves through gradual roll-out with no disruption.


Every employee – from business to factory floor – plays a role in cybersecurity. Trainings and awareness are vital.


Our KICS is designed specifically for OT needs. Fault-tolerant and non-disruptive, it can work in air-gap conditions.

Case Studies

Explore examples of Kaspersky security solutions at work in the field

AGC Glass Germany GmbH

As a supplier to the automotive industry, business process continuity is critical for AGC. Which is why its production lines are protected with Kaspersky Industrial Cybersecurity.

Pavlodar Oil Chemistry Refinery

Pavlodar Oil Chemistry Refinery is the largest enterprise in the north-east of Kazakhstan for oil refining and production of oil products.

The Use

  • Specialized cybersecurity solution for different industries

    Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity is a portfolio of technologies and services designed to secure truly industrial layers and elements of organization – including SCADA servers, HMIs, engineering workstations, PLCs, network connections and even engineers – without impacting on operational continuity and consistency of the industrial process. Every industrial customer and process is unique - that's why we adopt our solution for different sectors - Oil&Gas, Power grids, Manufacturing and so on.

  • Trusted Industrial Cybersecurity provider

    A trusted security provider and partner to leading industrial organizations, Kaspersky  collaborates with well-recognized industrial automation vendors and organizations, including Emerson, Siemens, Schneider Electric, Industrial Internet Consortium and others, to establish compatibility, specialized procedures and co-operation frameworks which protect industrial environments from existing and emerging threats, including highly targeted attacks.

  • Adaptive Security Framework

    In keeping with Kaspersky’s overall multi-layered security strategy, Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity delivers a combination of protection methodologies. Taking a holistic approach to industrial cybersecurity – from predicting potential attack vectors, through specialized industrial prevention and detection technologies, to responding proactively to a cyber-incident – is the ultimate guarantee of your organization’s uninterrupted and safe functioning.


Premium Support

Professional help is available whenever you need it. Operating in more than 200 countries, from 34 offices worldwide, we have you covered 24/7/365. Take advantage of our Premium support packages, or call on our Professional Services to ensure that you derive maximum benefit from your Kaspersky security installation.

Our Industrial Cybersecurity Partners

We at Kaspersky are keen to cooperate with industrial automation vendors, system integrators and industrial cybersecurity alliances of every size and region of operation.

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