
Import/Export Compliance

All Export Control Classification Numbers (ECCNs) and Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) Numbers and CCATS provided herein are subject to change without notice. Any use of such classifications, groups, or symbols by you is without recourse to Dell Inc. and is at your own risk. Dell Inc. is in no way responsible for any damages whether direct, consequential, incidental, or otherwise, suffered by you as a result of using or relying upon such classifications, groups, or symbols for any purpose whatsoever.

ECCN, HTS or CCATS Information

For more information or to find the ECCN, HTS or CCATS for a main system or a peripheral, please consult our Help Desk at the link below

    HTS, ECCN, CCATS Table - Help Desk 

For HTS, ECCN or CCATS not found thru the above searches, please contact: [email protected]