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2006 ICANN Correspondence

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Correspondence Affiliation Date Issue
Letter from Amy Stathos to Edward Hasbrouck [PDF, 76 KB] ICANN 29 November 2006 Independent Review Process
Letter from Chuck Warren to ICANN Board [PDF, 13 KB] 28 November 2006 Proposed Release and Allocation of Single Letter Second Level Reserved Names
Letter from Edward G. Viltz to Vint Cerf Public Interest Registry 21 November 2006 PIR Application for Approval of Excess Delete Fee and Response to Letter from the INTA
Letter from Barbara Steele to Paul Twomey [PDF, 257 KB] VeriSign 21 November 2006 Code of Conduct Certification
Letter from Paul Twomey to Khaled Fattal [PDF, 83 KB] ICANN 17 November 2006 IDN implementation on top level domains
Letter from Paul Reidl to ICANN [PDF, 135 KB] International Trademark Association 16 November 2006 Domain Name Tasting
Letter from Cherian Mathai to Patrick Jones [PDF, 106 KB] Tralliance 16 November 2006 .travel Charter Changes
Letter from Cary Karp to Kurt Pritz [PDF, 12 KB] MuseDoma 10 November 2006 .museum wildcard
Letter from Craig Schwartz to Neil Edwards [PDF, 45 KB] ICANN 15 September 2006 Proposed New registry Service
Letter from Industry Leaders to ICANN Board [PDF, 121 KB] Businesses 6 September 2006 proposed .biz-info-org agreements
Letter from Paul Twomey to Richard Wein [PDF, 1.44 MB] ICANN 29 August 2006 Internet Infrastructure Improvement Account
Letter from Richard Wein to Paul Twomey [PDF, 127 KB] GmbH 17 August 2006 Internet Infrastructure Improvement Account
Letter from Tina Dam to Edward G. Viltz [PDF, 250 KB] ICANN 14 August 2006 PIR DNSSEC Implementation
Letter from Neil Edwards to John Jeffrey [PDF, 14 KB] .MOBI sTLD 3 August 2006 Proposed New registry Service
Letter from Edward G. Viltz to Tina Dam [PDF, 70 KB] Public Interest Registry 2 August 2006 DNSSEC Implementation
Letter from Edward G. Viltz to Hon. Fiona Alexander [PDF, 54 KB] Public Interest Registry 28 July 2006 ICANN support letter from PIR to NTIA
Letter from Bernard Turcotte to Paul Twomey [PDF, 44 KB] CIRA 25 July 2006 Consultation on the implementation of .ca Whois look-up directory privacy policy
Letter from SnapNames to Cerf/Twomey [PDF, 24 KB] SnapNames 21 July 2006 Withdrawal of legal action
Letter from Address Supporting Organization to ICANN [PDF, 12 KB] ASO 13 July 2006 Proposed Global Policy
Letter from Jennifer Stoddart to Vinton Cerf [PDF, 72 KB] Privacy Commissioner of Canada 12 July 2006 Whois Issues
Letter from Shannon L. Kellogg to Paul Twomey [PDF, 46 KB] RSA Security Inc. 6 July 2006 Purpose of WHOIS and of the WHOIS database
Letter from Vinton Cerf to Peter Schaar [PDF, 338 KB] ICANN 27 June 2006 Response - Data protection principles: WHOIS
Letter from Vinton Cerf to John Fingleton [PDF, 338 KB] ICANN 27 June 2006 Reply: Proposed change to narrow purpose definition of publicly available Whois Database
Letter from Vinton Cerf to David French [PDF, 338 KB] ICANN 27 June 2006 Reply: Access to Whois Databases
Letter from Vinton Cerf to Nils Montan [PDF, 338 KB] ICANN 27 June 2006 Reply: Proposal to redefine Whois service
Letter from Nils Victor Montan to Vint Cerf [PDF, 46 KB] International AntiCounterfeiting Coalition 26 June 2006 Proposal to redefine Whois service
Letter from Richard Tindal to Vint Cerf [PDF, 21 KB] NeuLevel, Inc. 26 June 2006 Proposed .BIZ registry agreement renewal
Letter from Richard Tindal to Paul Twomey [PDF, 21 KB] NeuLevel, Inc. 26 June 2006 Proposed .BIZ registry agreement renewal
Letter from Eugene H. Spafford to Vint Cerf [PDF, 107 KB] USACM 26 June 2006 USACM Policy Recommendations on Privacy
Letter from Hal Lubsen to Paul Twomey [PDF, 48 KB] Afilias 25 June 2006 Proposed .INFO registry agreement renewal
Letter from Edward G. Viltz to Paul Twomey [PDF, 36 KB] Public Interest Registry 25 June 2006 Proposed .ORG registry agreement renewal
Letter from Paul Twomey to CIRA [PDF, 83 KB] ICANN 24 June 2006 Accountability
Letter from Peter Schaar to Vint Cerf [PDF, 48 KB] ARTICLE 29 Data Protection Working Party 22 June 2006 Data protection principles: WHOIS
Letter from Phillpa Lawson to Vint Cerf and Paul Twomey [PDF, 58 KB] Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic 22 June 2006 WHOIS Database
Letter from Philippa Lawson to Vint Cerf [PDF, 58 KB] CIPPIC 22 June 2006 WHOIS Database Policy
Letter from Michel Parisse to ICANN [PDF, 55 KB] Commission de la Protection de la Privee 22 June 2006 WHOIS Is Privacy Issues
Letter from Eric Pearson to Vint Cerf [PDF, 204 KB] HCPC 22 June 2006 Whois Policy
FSSCC Unsigned to ICANN [PDF, 145 KB] Letter from 22 June 2006 Whois policy
Letter from George Hender to ICANN [PDF, 145 KB] The Options Clearing House 22 June 2006 WHOIS Data Base
Letter from John Fingleton to Vint Cerf [PDF, 51 KB] Office of Fair Trading 20 June 2006 Proposed change to narrow purpose definition of publicly available Whois databases
Letter from David French to Vint Cerf [PDF, 76 KB] International Franchise Association 19 June 2006 Access to Whois Databases
Letter from AIPLA to ICANN [PDF, 43 KB] AIPLA 15 June 2006 Purpose of WHOIS
Letter from Mohamed Sharil Tarmizi to Paul Twomey [PDF, 125 KB] GAC 15 June 2006 WIPO2
Letter from CIRA to ICANN [PDF, 41 KB] CIRA 14 June 2006 Accountability
Letter from Paul W. Reidl to Vinton Cerf [PDF, 100 KB] International Trademark Association 12 June 2006 GNSO work on Whois
Testimony of John Jeffrey to the House Committee on Small Business United States House of Representatives ICANN 7 June 2006 Contracting the Internet: Does ICANN Create a Barrier to Small Business?
Letter from Stuart Lawley to Vinton Cerf ICM Registry 30 May 2006 XXX Industry Reservation Service
Letter from Tim Ruiz to ICANN Board [PDF, 23 KB] GoDaddy 9 May 2006 Proposed .XXX TLD
Letter from Martin Boyle to Vinton Cerf UK Government 9 May 2006 .xxx domain name
Letter from Paul Twomey to Neil Edwards [PDF, 21 KB] ICANN 6 May 2006 dotTEL TLD Registry Agreement
Letter from Jim Ulam to John Jeffrey [PDF, 80 KB] VeriSign 5 May 2006 Extension of renewal process deadlines
Letter from K Mahdavi to Paul Twomey [PDF, 89 KB] dotTEL 4 May 2006 dotTEL TLD Registry Agreement
Letter from Paul Twomey to Mohamed Sharil Tarmizi [PDF, 102 KB] GAC 4 May 2006 XXX TLD Application
Letter from John Jeffrey to Mohd Sharil Tarmizi ICANN 4 May 2006 XXX TLD Application
Letter from Fabiano Chies to Vinton Cerf [PDF, 963 KB] SITA 1 May 2006 .aero renewal
Letter from Larry Flynt to ICANN Board Flynt Management Group 30 April 2006 Proposed .XXX TLD
Letter from Neil Edwards to Paul Twomey [PDF, 466 KB] dotMOBI 29 April 2006 dotTEL TLD Registry Agreement
Letter from Catherine A. Allen to ICANN [PDF, 250 KB] BITS (Financial Services Roundtable) 14 April 2006 Comments on proposal to limit the type of information collected and maintained in Whois database
Letter from Steve Orenstein to ICANN Board Wicked Pictures 10 April 2006 Proposed .XXX TLD
Letter from Edward Viltz to Stephen Crocker [PDF, 125 KB] Public Interest Registry 26 March 2006 Impact of Automated Domain Registrations ("Domain Tasting") on .ORG Registrants
Letter from Stuart Lawley to Sharil Tarmizi [PDF, 106 KB] ICM Registry 25 March 2006 Response to Letter from US DOC to Tarmizi
Letter from Paul Twomey to CIRA [PDF, 43 KB] ICANN 23 March 2006 CIRA Letter
Letter from Johan Gillborg to ICANN Board [PDF, 56 KB] Private Media Group 22 March 2006 Proposed .XXX TLD
Letter from John M. R. Kneuer to Sharil Tarmizi [PDF, 1.21 MB] U.S. Department of Commerce 20 March 2006 Concerns about contract for approval of new top level domain
Letter from CIRA to ICANN [PDF, 139 KB] CIRA 17 March 2006 Accountability, Transparancy, Fair Process
Letter from Peter Zangl to Vinton Cerf [PDF, 89 KB] European Commission 17 March 2006 Concerns about contract for approval of new top level domain
Letter from Paul Twomey to Sharil Tarmizi [PDF, 81 KB] ICANN 13 March 2006 WIPO-II
Message from Stratton Sclavos to Vinton Cerf [PDF, 82 KB] VeriSign 18 February 2006 Revised .com agreement
Message from Joint Registrars to Vinton Cerf [PDF, 64 KB] Registrars 14 February 2006 Revised .com agreement
Message from Paul Twomey to Mohamed Sharil Tarmizi [PDF, 69 KB] ICANN 11 February 2006 XXX sTLD Application
Letter from Vinton Cerf to Peter Zangl [PDF, 4.01 MB] European Commision 17 January 2006 Concerns about contract for approval of new top level domain
Letter from Paul Twomey to Chris Disspain [PDF, 88 KB] ccNSO 9 January 2006 Accountability Frameworks
Domain Name System
Internationalized Domain Name ,IDN,"IDNs are domain names that include characters used in the local representation of languages that are not written with the twenty-six letters of the basic Latin alphabet ""a-z"". An IDN can contain Latin letters with diacritical marks, as required by many European languages, or may consist of characters from non-Latin scripts such as Arabic or Chinese. Many languages also use other types of digits than the European ""0-9"". The basic Latin alphabet together with the European-Arabic digits are, for the purpose of domain names, termed ""ASCII characters"" (ASCII = American Standard Code for Information Interchange). These are also included in the broader range of ""Unicode characters"" that provides the basis for IDNs. The ""hostname rule"" requires that all domain names of the type under consideration here are stored in the DNS using only the ASCII characters listed above, with the one further addition of the hyphen ""-"". The Unicode form of an IDN therefore requires special encoding before it is entered into the DNS. The following terminology is used when distinguishing between these forms: A domain name consists of a series of ""labels"" (separated by ""dots""). The ASCII form of an IDN label is termed an ""A-label"". All operations defined in the DNS protocol use A-labels exclusively. The Unicode form, which a user expects to be displayed, is termed a ""U-label"". The difference may be illustrated with the Hindi word for ""test"" — परीका — appearing here as a U-label would (in the Devanagari script). A special form of ""ASCII compatible encoding"" (abbreviated ACE) is applied to this to produce the corresponding A-label: xn--11b5bs1di. A domain name that only includes ASCII letters, digits, and hyphens is termed an ""LDH label"". Although the definitions of A-labels and LDH-labels overlap, a name consisting exclusively of LDH labels, such as"""" is not an IDN."