
Exact time now:

Sonntag, 30. Oktober 2022, Woche 43
Sonne: ↑ 07:24 ↓ 17:55 (10h 31m) Weitere Informationen

This weekend:
Daylight Saving Time ended in Europe, the Middle East, Mexico and Antarctica

October 29 Saturday 2022
  • Switched at 02:00
Western Greenland (regions that alternate between WGT and WGST, including Nuuk)
  • Switched at 23:00
October 30 Sunday 2022
  • Switched at 00:00
  • Switched at 02:00
Mexico (except Quintana Roo, Sonora, Baja California and areas near the United States border)
  • Switched at 02:00
Troll research station
  • Switched at 03:00
See our page about daylight saving time changes in 2022 or check specific location pages for more info.

Background photo by Arnaud Jaegers on Unsplash.
Abu Dhabi Addis Abeba Amman Amsterdam Antananarivo Athen Auckland Bagdad Bangkok Barcelona Beijing Berlin Bogota Boston Brüssel Buenos Aires Caracas Chicago Damaskus Delhi Dhaka Dubai Dublin Frankfurt am Main Guangzhou Hanoi Havanna Helsinki Hongkong Honolulu Istanbul Jakarta Kairo Kapstadt Karatschi Kathmandu Kiew Kinshasa Kuala Lumpur Lagos Las Vegas Lima London Los Angeles Luanda Madrid Mailand Manila Mekka Mexiko-Stadt Miami Moskau Mumbai Neu-Delhi New York City Nuuk Oslo Paris Prag Rangun Reykjavík Riad Rio de Janeiro Rom San Francisco Sankt Petersburg Santiago de Chile Seoul Shanghai Shenzhen Singapur Stockholm Sydney São Paulo Taipeh Teheran Tel Aviv District Tokio Toronto Vancouver Warschau Washington, D.C. Wien Ōsaka

Pacific Time Mountain Time Central Time Eastern Time China Standard Time India Standard Time
"To say 'I don’t have time,' is like saying, 'I don’t want to.'"