The Random Show Threesome — Tim Ferriss, Kevin Rose, and Matt Mullenweg (#209)



“Goal setting isn’t enough.”

My first live podcast in New York City was recorded at the 92nd Street Y to a sold-out crowd of about 900 people.

This episode comes from The Random Show segment of the evening when I took the stage with Kevin Rose and Matt Mullenweg.

Kevin Rose (@KevinRose) has been my partner in crime for many things. He’s one of the best stock pickers in the startup world, the co-founder of Digg and Milk, a general partner at Google Ventures, and CEO of Hodinkee.

Matt Mullenweg (@photomatt) is most associated with a tool that powers more than 25% of the entire Web: WordPress. He’s also the CEO of Automattic, which is a multi-billion dollar, fully distributed startup.

We talk about lots of things — including setting goals and New Year’s resolutions. I hope you enjoy!

#209: The Random Show Threesome -- Tim Ferriss, Kevin Rose, and Matt Mullenweg
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Want to hear another episode of The Random Show? — Listen to this earlier conversation with Kevin Rose. In this episode, we discuss saunas and cold treatment, as well as dating and fitness apps (stream below or right-click here to download):

#146: The Random Show, Ice Cold Edition
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This podcast is brought to you by Rhone Apparel. Dozens — maybe even hundreds of you — have asked me: “What shirts are you wearing in your recent YouTube videos?” They’re a very specific set of shirts from Rhone. I’m packing for a trip for seven to ten days, and I would say half of what I’m going to pack is from Rhone. These are the most comfortable shirts (and Rhone stocks way more than shirts) that I have ever worn — at least for active wear. But you can even sneak them into a business casual event or dinner if you’re a Long Island kid like me.

Rhone has minimal branding, so you don’t feel like you’re walking around with some sort of billboard on your chest. They come with pure, melted-down silver in the fabric — anti-odor technology so you don’t smell like a musk ox halfway through the day. I love Rhone’s shirts, pants, and shorts, and I’ve been wearing them pretty much every day for the past few weeks. Luckily, there’s no risk in trying them out: free shipping and a 100-day return policy should help you decide if they’re worth it. Plus, listeners get an exclusive 15% off for using the code TIM at checkout and a special holiday bonus. Find ’em at

This podcast is also brought to you by Wealthfront. Wealthfront is a massively disruptive (in a good way) set-it-and-forget-it investing service, led by technologists from places like Apple and world-famous investors. It has exploded in popularity in the last two years and now has more than $2.5B under management. In fact, some of my good investor friends in Silicon Valley have millions of their own money in Wealthfront. Why? Because you can get services previously limited to the ultra-wealthy and only pay pennies on the dollar for them, and it’s all through smarter software instead of retail locations and bloated sales teams.

Check out, take their risk assessment quiz, which only takes two to five minutes, and they’ll show you for free exactly the portfolio they’d put you in. If you want to just take their advice and do it yourself, you can. Or, as I would, you can set it and forget it. Well worth a few minutes:

QUESTION(S) OF THE DAY: What was your favorite quote or lesson from this episode? Please let me know in the comments.

Scroll below for links and show notes…

Selected Links from the Episode

  • Connect with Kevin Rose:

Twitter | The Journal

  • Connect with Matt Mullenweg:

Twitter | Blog | Facebook | Spotify

Show Notes

  • What’s our favorite sipping tequila? [9:00]
  • Kevin talks about fasting, and what he’s doing to cope with the aging process. [10:41]
  • Matt’s end-of-year goals and looking toward the future. [18:55]
  • “Do you ever Wim Hof in public?” [22:05]
  • Why you might reconsider the urge to get a personal cryotherapy chamber. [26:43]
  • My 2017 resolution for Matt. [29:26]
  • Matt’s 2017 resolution for Kevin. [30:21]
  • Kevin’s resolution for me. [33:14]
  • What is most frustrating and inspiring about the women in our lives? [35:46]
  • Matt talks about coping with the stages of grief. [42:34]
  • Kevin talks about the women in his life. [44:36]
  • Goal setting isn’t enough. I talk about fear setting. [47:33]
  • Kevin gives us some movie and meditation recommendations. [50:10]
  • Matt gives me a 2017 resolution and offers a few book recommendations. [52:17]

People Mentioned

The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than 900 million downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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Comment Rules: Remember what Fonzie was like? Cool. That’s how we’re gonna be — cool. Critical is fine, but if you’re rude, we’ll delete your stuff. Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation! (Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for the inspiration.)

29 Replies to “The Random Show Threesome — Tim Ferriss, Kevin Rose, and Matt Mullenweg (#209)”

  1. Hey Tim, I’m still in the midst of listening to your podcast. Really surprised to hear you don’t focus too much on the daunting prospect of the 10-year or 20-year outlook/plan. It’s refreshing to hear your focus on a 6-month (or less) outlook rather than longer years worth. It can be hard to tell what things will be like a decade on etc and all it’s likely to do is enforce worry. I’m definitely going to concentrate on executing consistent good and progressive work and cultivate my consistent defined values as you’ve mentioned.

    -Thank you so much for these podcasts and your awesome books. You’re an incredible inspiration and a source of supreme knowledge!

    Kind regards,

    Catherine (in England) 💕

  2. Tim – Not sure what you read. Have posted a couple places. Two things. Firstly, Love Tools Of Titans! Great job. Secondly, I’m confused why you included a few people over Dave Asprey, who has clearly impacted the world you operate within. Asprey has contributed much to bio-hacking. He’s a entrepreneur who has published books, hosted conferences, has a major podcast, been responsible for a major movement, Bulletproof coffee, of which has received much public attention…I just don’t understand this omission on your part. Cheers! Keith

  3. Loving the random show, and especially the recommendation for Casa dragones.

    Mostly through tools of titans and already have a ton of actionable advice, a litany of books to read and so much more.

    Again thanks!


  4. Tim, will you ever consider publishing a transcript or adding closed caption on youtube for your podcast? A lot of hearing impaired people would thank you!!

  5. Tim, I love to listen when it’s possible but I’m so much of a reader I almost always end up with the book for ultimate enjoyment and to really meditate on what I’m learning I get both the Kindle and the Audible edition. I would love to have that option on your podcasts. Thanks, Keith

  6. Tim, just put your smartphone somewhere on top of a shelve and record the whole thing! Still grateful for this anyway. Thanks

  7. Hey tim, love your material and your approach to life challenges and personal improvement. Just FYI the 92nd street Y is the 92nd Street Young Men’s and Young Women’s Hebrew Association. Not a big deal but hope to save you from some future embarrassment . Great venue. Happy holidays .

  8. Tim (or Team) I have just finished ToT front to back, ignoring your advice on reading what I need or feel is needed. Recovering from a severe mental breakdown, I found it refreshing to read what you, Tim, went through in university. Just to let you know I will be starting, with my body now a few weeks in 4HB diet (no PAGG), the fundamentals at Gymnasticbodies…

    I intend to start videoblogging tomorrow on each and every chapter in the book and start experimenting with it and recording my findings. Hope it helps in book sales in Belgium and Holland. 🙂

  9. Hey Tim, love Tools of Titans, thank you.

    A random thought occurred to me on your first and last books:

    4HWW = Four Hour Work Week

    but also

    4HWW = For Health, Wealth & Wisdom


    Ian McCarthy

    Sydney, Australia

  10. Keeping my eyes peeled for a San Francisco event. Surely?!

    The one biggest thing I took away from this episode was on goal-setting: I had an instinct to simplify, and set one goal that is the biggest lever, in behaviour and habits. Oh, and a nice fun list of travel places and revising a “Not To Do” list. Happy Christmas and New Year, Tim. Enjoy reflecting on such a huge year for you with the podcast and Tools of Titans.

  11. Hey Tim

    i have requested the ebook Tools of Titans for my Christmas present, but I am in Australia and AMAZON says it is not available in this market…. do you have any news on its release date here please or how else I might get it?



  12. Hi Tim! Love your podcast and loving Tools of the Titans so far. Here is a request/idea from an uber nerd: would love to hear some interviews with successful visual artists. Although not many of them can measure their success by billions of dollars, some of them have incredible success stories worth sharing. James Gurney, the author of the Dinotopia series, has sold at least a million books (translated into 18 languages), started a successful blog that has turned into more books (which are now widely used as school textbooks on art), and even has a dinosaur named after him. Do any of your other guests have dinosaurs named after them? See? He’s awesome…

    Some other greats: Donato Giancola (LOTR Illustrator, teacher), Nathan Fowkes (Dreamworks painter, author, and teacher), Iain McCaig (concept artist, writer, film maker, and teacher who designed characters such as Darth Maul and Queen Amidala). The list could go on; suffice to say, each of these people has broken the artistic mold in some way and have an admirable, even contagious love of their craft and hunger to learn.


  13. Please, please, please publish Tools of Titans as a audio book! “You” turned me on to audio books and now I will not buy anything that’s not.

  14. Hey Tim,

    Great episode as usual. It’s nice seeing Matt on the Random Show with you and Kevin! Do you have a video of this specific show by any chance?

    Also, I really enjoyed the goal setting segment– especially in a world that is so fast paced. It seems long term goals could end up being more chaotic than helpful. I noticed I’m way more focused by consistently reviewing and then readjusting my goals which allows me to properly stay consistent and on track.

  15. Hey Tim! I just recently learned of you and immediately downloaded the 4 Hour Work Week on Audible & promptly listened to it in its entirety (so as to get the whole picture before I take note to implement on my 2nd go-around). I am completely blown away! In 2012, I learned of network marketing, and found that building a business so that I become an owner (not an operator) is exactly what you go over. I have no idea where to start with building a sustainable brand that I can remove myself from… which is why I’m going to go through your audio again (I have the hardback book coming this week) and put together a plan. Are there resources here on the blog with a step-by-step approach to getting a sourced product setup to sell? Or do you have a class available that has a complete walk-through? Thanks so much! I completely resonate with your style of writing, your podcast and your energy.

  16. YESSSS! Forest bathing is so effective! Happy to know it’s a thing and that I’m not the only one craving trees when it’s time to recharge. Are there studies about water having the same effect?

    p.s. will be adding this pleasant Podcast to my 5MJ: grateful to be surrounded by curious, passionate souls.

  17. Thank you for this threesome Tim. It was sweet, funny and interesting as always.

    Of course the women question had to be asked lol. You said you have an issue with expressing your emotions and with women being overly emotional. Quick women 101 for you : Women pull energy inwards. They pull the baby to their breast, they pull attention to their beauty, they pull the male to them. Men push energy outwards. They fight, they push, they ejaculate. Women pull energy inwards and push their spirituality outwards : they talk about their emotions, they express their feelings, they let shit out. Men push energy outwards and pull their spirituality inwards : they feel and they keep it silent, they keep it secret, they internalize their experiences.

    In light of these two opposing forces, you having problems expressing your emotions is you being a real man. And women showing their deep emotions are women being real women. If you face a very demonstratively emotional woman, I strongly recommend just listening, do not get personally involved and say at the end ‘I understand.’ These two magic words are all a woman needs to soothe her outpour of emotions. I gave this secret trick (that works like a charm by the way) to a good friend of mine once and he said, ‘ I feel like a liar to say I understand when I have no fkin clue of what was going on with her.’ My reply was, ‘I understand’ is a short cut for ‘I understand you are acting like a real woman now.’ It doesn’t stand for ‘ I understand you’. Since then, whenever I bitch or complain about something he just says ‘I understand’ after and it cracks me up every time. lol

  18. Aloha Tim, I believe it is the very first time I am leaving a comment on your page. Eventhough I have (and currently am reading ToT) all of your books and listened to the good part of your podcasts. I am from Germany and it always pleasing and entertaining when you throw in some german vocabulary, which it seems to me, you did more often just recently. Be that as it may. While every single episode has at least one amazing, useful, interesting, encouraging, fill in the blank…, thing in it, I found this live “threesome” especially entertaining. I believe having a live audience gives the conversation a more dynamic and entertaining touch. You should do it more often. Dankeschön! Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year!


  19. Not a favorite quote, but a request for your blog: please add a page for your podcast sponsors. I was looking for one of your earlier sponsors but neither Google nor a search of your site gave me a list of sponsors.

    Wonderful stuff and I am trying to contribute. 🙂

  20. Just finished listening to this episode. I don’t comment much, but I heard Matt mention the Camino de Santiago and Kamal Ravikant’s new book.

    I walked the Camino for the first time in 2004, then 2005, and again in 2012. Taking one month out to walk 800 km across Spain on an old pilgrimage route was planned as a summer break – but it changed the direction of my life – though I was ready for a change.

    Next time you need some time out away from everything, give it some thought. That said I don’t want you to ever stop these great podcasts.

    Have a great 2017.

  21. Hey Tim, in my opinion one of your best ‘bang for you buck’ episodes – loved it! In this episode when Matt challenged Kevin to a proper, multi-day hike in 2017 he mentions one in Iceland. Any chance you know which one he was referring to? I’ll hit him up on twitter too but thought I’d ask here for everyone else’s benefit.


  22. Did you mention you are/were deficient in NAC in response to the audience question? I went back and listened but it wasn’t totally clear. If so, resources? I was told I have high histamine by my doctor with no action plan and that seemed like something to look into further. Thanks.

  23. When you guys talk about objects (shooting location, drinking, things), not being able to see it is like going back to old days when video was not invented. Going back to podcast is going back to medieval age. Are you going back to podcast so that it will align with the whole Tim podcast, if so I think it is a bad idea at least for “the random show”, glad there is a stop button on the podcast.