Unmanned Black Hawk program in Army’s hands as ALIAS robo-helo takes likely final flight

Unmanned Black Hawk program in Army’s hands as ALIAS robo-helo takes likely final flight
Unmanned Black Hawk program in Army’s hands as ALIAS robo-helo takes likely final flight

As for whether the Army or other military services will adopt the autonomous technology, Stuart Young, DARPA program manager for ALIAS, said he’s “very confident” but “the question has to do in what form or fashion.”

As Project Convergence tries new ‘tech gateways,’ 2 AI algorithms to transition to programs of record

As Project Convergence tries new ‘tech gateways,’ 2 AI algorithms to transition to programs of record
As Project Convergence tries new ‘tech gateways,’ 2 AI algorithms to transition to programs of record

“I would love to say that solving a problem is all that we should be doing at Army Futures Command, but it’s not,” Lt. Gen. Thomas Todd said. “We really have to be designing the Army of 2040 and beyond. In order to do that, you can’t wait on technology in 2040.”

At Project Convergence, Army doubles down on ‘fully autonomous’ Black Hawk experiments

At Project Convergence, Army doubles down on ‘fully autonomous’ Black Hawk experiments
At Project Convergence, Army doubles down on ‘fully autonomous’ Black Hawk experiments

“My requirement was ‘don’t even bring it if it can’t be flown fully autonomous,'” a senior Army Futures Command official said.

Army 2030: Disperse or die, network and live

Army 2030: Disperse or die, network and live
Army 2030: Disperse or die, network and live

Long-range precision strikes are now so deadly that even rear-area support units must spread out and take cover to survive — which puts unprecedented strain on command & control networks.

How the Army wants to build its ‘wolf pack’ drone waves

How the Army wants to build its ‘wolf pack’ drone waves
How the Army wants to build its ‘wolf pack’ drone waves

New autonomy and network technology could enable a new form of high-intensity, low-altitude tactics.

Army accelerating Project Convergence tech with industry ‘gateway’

Army accelerating Project Convergence tech with industry ‘gateway’
Army accelerating Project Convergence tech with industry ‘gateway’

The Army needs to “put a timeline to allow our industry partners to see where our gaps may be, use their technology and their understanding to develop potential solutions and then bring them out,” Brig. Gen. Guy Jones, deputy director and chief of staff of Army Futures Command’s Futures and Concepts Center, said.

After months of delay, Army nominates new commander for Futures Command

After months of delay, Army nominates new commander for Futures Command
After months of delay, Army nominates new commander for Futures Command

Lt. Gen. James Rainey, the Army’s deputy chief of staff for operations, plans and training is earmarked for Austin, Texas.

Army’s testbed ISR business jets are opening doors to new mission possibilities

Army’s testbed ISR business jets are opening doors to new mission possibilities
Army’s testbed ISR business jets are opening doors to new mission possibilities

With the prototypes, “we’re able to launch from one area and very quickly get to another area that is much further away in distance. So it opens up the aperture from a mission perspective,” a program leader said.

Army’s robotic vehicle slipped behind ‘enemy’ lines in European exercise

Army’s robotic vehicle slipped behind ‘enemy’ lines in European exercise
Army’s robotic vehicle slipped behind ‘enemy’ lines in European exercise

A June exercise provided insight into how robots can speed up the pace of battle, and how the US Army, and its allies, needs to plan to defeat them.