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Programming language created by Google

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Ugly API

PHP *API *Dart *Flutter *

In this article, I’d like to talk about the problems I faced while integrating an API for the HTTP protocol and share my experience in solving them.

- REST vs Non REST architecture

- Ignoring Header Accept: application/json

- Mixing JSON keys case types

- Different response to the same request

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Here's an Update on Flutter 1.9 Release Coupled With Dart 2.5 Programming

Programming *Development of mobile applications *Dart *Mobile applications design *Flutter *

Recently during the Google Developer Days Conference in China that was held on September 10, 2019, Flutter 1.9 was released along with the updated Dart 2.5 programming language.h

The major highlights from the conference can be summed into three major points:

  • Google has announced Dart 2.5 programming update and a new Flutter 1.9 Version upgrade.
  • Dart 2.5 will support calling C code and intelligent code completion.
  • Flutter 1.9 will support iOS 13, macOS Catalina, and new Material widgets.

In this blog, I am going to discuss the major pointers in detail for you to understand the highlights and updates in detail!

Let’s begin!

What’s in store for Dart 2.5 as a programming language?

Dart is a Google borne programming language that has been used to develop mobile, web and desktop based applications. It is an object-oriented, class defined, garbage collected language with a C-style syntax, which is used to optionally compile into JavaScript.

The latest version of Dart 2.5 comes with these major highlights:

-> Support for Calling C Code straight through Dart using Dart FFI Library:

Developers who have knowledge about low-level programming languages will be excited from this announcement. The event also saw the launch of dart:ffi library, the preview of which allows calling into C code directly from Dart and Flutter.
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Start using ReactiveX in dart and Flutter from beginning

Dart *Flutter *

Yesterday my friend said something like "I’m writing simple offline app, I don’t need these streams and all that jazz". I was confused, but I thought, that there may be other coders in this delusion.

Below, literally in 50 lines I will show, on known example that reactivity is:

a) not about offline/online
b) very easy
c) very good for simplifying almost any code

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