
Solution Overview Sheets

Learn how Logility can help you solve the most complex problems facing your supply chain today with supply chain solutions for better decision-making.

Logility’s allocation solution uses flexible rules and automated workflows to position hardline and softline merchandise to optimally serve customer demand and accelerate inventory turns.

Automated order promising helps you deliver and fulfill with confidence, boosting customer satisfaction.

Logility’s causal forecasting solution enhances demand planning and uncovers the insights necessary to make decisions ahead of the demand curve.

Logility’s compliance solution provides a centralized system to evaluate, manage and report, simplifying the complexities of vendor compliance and corporate social responsibility management.

Logility’s demand planning and optimization solution drives more accurate downstream demand plans that boost profitability, satisfy customers and synchronize supply chain partners.

Logility’s demand sensing solution provides real-time visibility and insights into shorter term demand, enabling improved service levels, reduced inventory investment and improved profitability.

Logility’s deploy solution uses smart allocation to help you position supply to quickly meet demand requirements.

Logility’s integrated business planning solution helps visualize, evaluate and optimize plans for customers, markets, investments, and resources to achieve your business goals and drive shareholder value.

Logility’s inventory planning and optimization solution will help you improve profitability, increase customer satisfaction and free up working capital.

From product launch to product retirement, Logility’s life cycle planning solution enables you to forecast market demand for items with little or no performance history to build on.

Logility’s manufacturing planning and optimization solution helps you create long-term capacity plans and short-term detailed schedules that increase production throughput, respect manufacturing constraints, optimize changeovers and lower inventory of finished goods and raw materials.

Logility’s merchandise and assortment planning solution converts high-level financial goals into chain and store-level plans for both financial and unit profiles across all retail channels and locations; and translates merchandise plan targets into merchandise collections to be deployed to channels and stores within the organization.

Logility’s pricing and promotion analysis solution reveals the full impact of pricing changes and promotions on demand.

Logility’s product lifecycle management (PLM) solution has the capabilities you need to innovate and accelerate bringing winning products to market.

Logility’s proportional profile planning solution creates disaggregation profiles that improve forecast accuracy at the granular attribute level and close the gaps between demand planning, supply, sourcing and production planning.

Logility’s quality control solution uses collaborative workflow, exception management, statistical quality control and powerful analytics to help protect your brand and improve the bottom line through better product quality.

Logility’s solution for sales and operations planning and execution ensures that key stakeholders are viewing a single version of the truth for business forecasting and decision-making.

Logility’s sourcing management solution optimizes sourcing decisions and tracks vendor performance to reduce cycle times, increase visibility and automate collaboration.

Leverage more data and dramatically improve accuracy at enterprise scale with Logility’s supply chain data management solutions.

Logility’s supply planning and optimization solution provides future visibility of customer demands, product and material requirements, and the actions needed by suppliers and manufacturers to efficiently satisfy market demand.

Supply chain traceability is a strategic initiative for fashion companies that want clearer visibility into every level of their multi-tier supply network in order to share more information with their customers, partners, and stakeholders.

Logility’s vendor management solution improves speed to market and responsiveness to disruptions in the supply chain.

Take your supply chain to the next level.

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