• Data Migration

    • Reduce the disruption and cost of data migration with Dell

    • As massive data growth requires organizations to constantly acquire new storage infrastructure, IT teams are struggling with the inevitable consequences: data migration. Traditional migrations have been time-consuming, tedious, complex and disruptive, sometimes even to the point of preventing organizations from deploying new storage arrays. 

      Dell Technologies provides a data migration service – Intelligent Data Mobility – that solves these challenges and enables organizations to achieve accelerated time-to-value on new equipment, along with flexibility and simplicity to move data and workloads seamlessly on an ongoing basis. 

    • The challenges of data migration

    • Dell Intelligent Data Mobility services enable organizations to easily overcome the traditional obstacles to seamless and successful data migration. These include:

      • Disruption. Traditional data migration techniques lead to unacceptable disruption in users’ ability to access data during migration process.
      • Time-intensive. Traditional migration requires careful planning and execution of data migration blueprints, coordinating efforts across multiple teams and slowing the pace at which companies can migrate to new storage arrays.
      • Cost. The expense of traditional data migration can be so high that organizations may delay the acquisition of new storage arrays that are required to manage growth in data volumes.

    • Dell Intelligent Data Mobility simplifies data migration

    • Dell Intelligent Data Mobility services enable organizations to reduce the time, cost and complexity of data migration. With a proven and repeatable methodology, Intelligent Data Mobility uses technology, automation and Dell expertise to execute seamless data migration and to minimize the time and expense of onboarding new storage.

      Dell Intelligent Data Mobility provides:

      • A proven platform and vendor-agnostic methodology.
      • Standardized data migration blueprints that adapt to your business and technical needs.
      • The ability to move data with minimal disruption, time and cost, achieving up to a 40% reduction in time for file migrations, a 33% reduction in time to map environments, and a 60% reduction in server remediation.
      • The industry’s most extensive interoperability testing and validation engine.

      With Dell Intelligent Data Mobility services, you can focus on your business while Dell Technologies experts manage data migration, ensuring continuous availability of applications and data throughout the process.

    • Data migration to Dell PowerStore

    • Dell Intelligent Data Mobility enables fast and simple data migration to storage solutions like Dell Unity, a simple, modern, flexible and affordable flash storage solution for midrange storage. Dell Unity simplifies and modernizes the data center with a powerful combination of enterprise capabilities and cloud-like simplicity. Designed for performance, optimized for efficiency and built for hybrid storage cloud environments, Dell Unity easily meets the needs of resource-constrained IT professionals and large or small companies. And with data migration services from Intelligent Data Mobility, migrating data to Unity is fast, safe and affordable.

    • FAQs: What is data migration?

    • What is data migration?

      Data migration is the process of moving data from one location, application, architecture, file storage system (including network storage, object storage, and tiered storage systems) or to another. 

      What are the challenges of data migration?

      Data migration inevitably involves a certain amount of risk – data may be lost or corrupted in the process, or it may be exposed in such a way that it could be stolen or accessed by a malicious individual. Data migration can be costly, as the process of moving data can consume a great deal of staff time. And because data may need to go off-line at some point in order to move it, data migration can involve disruption to user productivity and business operations.

      • Easier disaster recovery, as data is stored in a remote location and can be accessed via an Internet connection.
      • Greater accessibility, since data can be accessed from anywhere.
    • Dell Object Storage Solutions for Next-Gen Workloads

      Deployable in a software-defined model or as a turnkey appliance, ECS is the leading object-storage platform from Dell

    • Dell PowerScale-out Network-Attached Storage (NAS)

      Dell Isilon unstructured data storage with with massive scalability is the industry’s #1 family of scale-out network-attached storage systems.

    • Explore Dell Enterprise Data Storage Solutions

      Unlock the value of your data capital and turn data into your most valuable asset with flash storage, cloud storage and data protection from Dell.