Path: Arizona Board of Accountancy Welcome: Guest

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 Our Mission to Arizona
The primary duty of the Arizona State Board of Accountancy (Board) is to protect the public from unlawful, incompetent, unqualified or unprofessional certified public accountants through certification, regulation and rehabilitation. The Board provides assurance to the public that the CPA profession in Arizona operates at the highest level of professional competence through...
  • Verification of education for Uniform CPA Exam applicants
  • Verification of education and experience credentials for Certification applicants
  • Monitoring compliance with continuing professional education requirements for CPAs and peer review requirements for CPA firms
  • Investigation of consumer complaints

We also serve CPA professionals and applicants to the profession by providing complete information and prompt processing of...

  • CPA examination applications
  • Administration of the computer based Uniform CPA Exam
  • Certification and registration of CPAs
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Monthly Meeting Calendar
Annual Meeting Calendar
State Resources Associations Regulatory

                                Governor Jan Brewer 
                                How to find a CPA 
                                What is Mobility?