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Hunter, Chad Harvey with dog and pheasant

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Montana Outdoors Magazine

How Prevalent is CWD?

Few things are simple about chronic wasting disease (CWD), the brain-eating illness slowly spreading among Montana’s deer herds. But there’s one simple math calculation that can indicate just how strong a hold CWD has on any given deer herd.

It’s called “prevalence.”

Prevalence is determined by dividing the total number of animals tested in a given area by the number of CWD-positive results. “It gives us a clear idea of what percent of a herd is infected,” says Dr. Emily Almberg, a wildlife disease ecologist with Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks.

For instance, if FWP tests 100 deer from a hunting district and 15 are positive for CWD, the prevalence in that district is 15 percent.


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Read the September-October issue 
How Prevalent is CWD?

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Bear Managers

FWP bear managers do more than wrestle bears.

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