L'escritoriu del futuru pa Linux
Aplicaciones de KDE
Poderoses, multiplataforma y pa toos
Usa’l software de KDE pa restolar per internet, falar colos collacios, colegues y la familia, xestionar ficheros y esfrutar de música y videos, amás de ser creativu y productivu nel trabayu. La comunidá de KDE desendolca y caltién más de 200 aplicaciones que s’executen en cualesquier escritoriu pa Linux y, a vegaes, tamién n’otres plataformes.
Comprar un ordenador con Plasma preinstaláu
Steam Deck
The Steam Deck is a portable console that runs the latest AAA games with the flexibility of a full PC.
Pinebook Pro
The Pinebook Pro is an affordable ARM powered laptop. It is modular and hackable in a way that only an Open Source project can be.
KDE Slimbook
The Slimbook is a shiny, sleek and good looking laptop that can do any task thanks to its powerful AMD Ryzen processor.
The Kubuntu Focus laptop is a high-powered, workflow-focused laptop which ships with Kubuntu installed.
Other hardware manufacturers are selling devices with Plasma. See all devices
KDE Plasma 5.24.7, Bugfix Release for October
Plasma 5.26
KDE Ships Frameworks 5.99.0
Join the sustainable software movement
KDE supports the FEEP and BE4FOSS programs to help free and open source communities produce more environmentally friendly software. The projects provide communities with guidelines and support to optimize software to be more energy efficient and have a longer life-span.
Let’s make energy efficient software and digital sustainability part of our community! We can live up to our responsibility for this and future generations!
The BE4FOSS Project was funded by the Federal Environment Agency and the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV). The funds are made available by resolution of the German Bundestag.
The publisher is responsible for the content of this publication.
La comunidá KDE
Un equipu internacional que desendolca y distribúi software de códigu llibre.
Our community has developed a wide variety of applications for communication, work, education and entertainment. We have a strong focus on finding innovative solutions to old and new problems, creating a vibrant, open atmosphere for experimentation.