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There is a known issue with wiki email not being delivered to personal Gmail accounts (see bug #856757). Password reset requests and all other wiki emails are presently affected by this issue. The Gentoo infrastructure project is aware of this issue, however there is no estimated time to resolution. As a workaround, if possible, sign up for a wiki account using an email address that does not end in We apologize for the inconvenience and will remove this message when the issue has been resolved.

The issue does not appear affect corporate - Google Workspace - Gmail accounts. Please comment on bug #856757 if this is not accurate.

Welcome to the Gentoo wiki!

Larry the cow beckons you to explore the Gentoo wiki!

 Available documentation

To find information use the search box on the top right corner of the screen, or categorically browse the wiki using the Documentation topic links provided below.

Both official Gentoo project documentation as well as community-contributed content can be found here. The vast majority of documentation is publicly editable. Official documents have a Handbook: or Project: prefix (only developers can edit them). Community members can leave comments/feedback for these pages via their respective Discussion pages.

Find something to add or edit? The Getting started section (below) gives contributors a few pointers on how to start editing articles.

Most importantly, the Gentoo Handbook is among the best documents found on the wiki:

Documentation topics



August 04, 2022: More updates to developer and project wiki forms

Wiki admins would like to formally announce more quality of life enhancements to developer and project 'pages' here on the wiki. Enhancements include:

  • Links to related bugs on bugs.g.o can now be activated on Gentoo project boxes (closes bug #686264. Individual projects can opt-in with the checkbox on each respective project page.
  • A new field for developers to post a 'fund me' link directly on their developer 'profile'. None of our developers are paid by the Gentoo Foundation; the vast majority of our devs freely volunteer their time to maintain and improve Gentoo. Please consider donating to our devs who have listed their fund me info.

September 23, 2021: Updates to developer and project wiki forms

Over the past few days wiki admins have been working on small enhancements to Gentoo developer and project 'pages' here on the wiki. Enhancements include:

  • Links to packages maintained via packages.g.o for developer and project pages (opt in).
  • Links to keys.g.o for developer pages that define properly PGP key IDs (opt in).

Wiki news archive...

October 2, 2020: Tomorrow's Gentoo Bugday will be focused on wiki improvements

It is a little short notice, however the next Gentoo Bugday will focus on improving documentation around the wiki. Improvements can always be made, so as always we hope to see our community members getting involved tomorrow. Join us on Freenode IRC in #gentoo-bugday (webchat) if you would like to chat or do not know where to begin.
Wiki news archive...

 Getting started

Anyone is welcome to edit or create pages on this wiki.

Gentoo wiki contributors encourage beginners to consult the Help page before making edits. It also links to the MediaWiki User's Guide which contains information on how to use wiki software.

If there is something we can improve please let us know on the Feedback page.

For any questions related to using or editing the wiki, you can always join our #gentoo-wiki (webchat) IRC channel on or email us at [email protected].

Please note: For general Gentoo support, please get in touch with our support community instead. General support is not provided via the wiki.

 Recently added pages