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Python wheels are great. Building them across Mac, Linux, Windows, on multiple versions of Python, is not.

cibuildwheel is here to help. cibuildwheel runs on your CI server - currently it supports GitHub Actions, Azure Pipelines, Travis CI, AppVeyor, CircleCI, and GitLab CI - and it builds and tests your wheels across all of your platforms.

What does it do?

macOS Intel macOS Apple Silicon Windows 64bit Windows 32bit Windows Arm64 manylinux
musllinux x86_64
musllinux i686
musllinux aarch64
musllinux ppc64le
musllinux s390x
CPython 3.6 ✅ N/A ✅ ✅ N/A ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅
CPython 3.7 ✅ N/A ✅ ✅ N/A ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅
CPython 3.8 ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ N/A ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅
CPython 3.9 ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅² ✅³ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅
CPython 3.10 ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅² ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅
CPython 3.11 ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅² ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅
PyPy 3.7 v7.3 ✅ N/A ✅ N/A N/A ✅¹ ✅¹ ✅¹ N/A N/A
PyPy 3.8 v7.3 ✅ N/A ✅ N/A N/A ✅¹ ✅¹ ✅¹ N/A N/A
PyPy 3.9 v7.3 ✅ N/A ✅ N/A N/A ✅¹ ✅¹ ✅¹ N/A N/A

¹ PyPy is only supported for manylinux wheels.
² Windows arm64 support is experimental.
³ Alpine 3.14 and very briefly 3.15's default python3 was not able to load musllinux wheels. This has been fixed; please upgrade the python package if using Alpine from before the fix.

  • Builds manylinux, musllinux, macOS 10.9+, and Windows wheels for CPython and PyPy
  • Works on GitHub Actions, Azure Pipelines, Travis CI, AppVeyor, CircleCI, GitLab CI, and Cirrus CI
  • Bundles shared library dependencies on Linux and macOS through auditwheel and delocate
  • Runs your library's tests against the wheel-installed version of your library

See the cibuildwheel 1 documentation if you need to build unsupported versions of Python, such as Python 2.


cibuildwheel runs inside a CI service. Supported platforms depend on which service you're using:

Linux macOS Windows Linux ARM macOS ARM Windows ARM
GitHub Actions ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅¹ ✅² ✅�?�
Azure Pipelines ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅² ✅�?�
Travis CI ✅ ✅ ✅
AppVeyor ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅² ✅�?�
CircleCI ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅²
Gitlab CI ✅ ✅ ✅¹
Cirrus CI ✅ ✅³ ✅ ✅ ✅

¹ Requires emulation, distributed separately. Other services may also support Linux ARM through emulation or third-party build hosts, but these are not tested in our CI.
² Uses cross-compilation. It is not possible to test arm64 and the arm64 part of a universal2 wheel on this CI platform.
³ Uses cross-compilation. Thanks to Rosetta 2 emulation, it is possible to test x86_64 and both parts of a universal2 wheel on this CI platform.
�?� Uses cross-compilation. It is not possible to test arm64 on this CI platform.

Example setup

To build manylinux, musllinux, macOS, and Windows wheels on GitHub Actions, you could use this .github/workflows/wheels.yml:

name: Build

on: [push, pull_request]

    name: Build wheels on ${{ matrix.os }}
    runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
        os: [ubuntu-20.04, windows-2019, macOS-11]

      - uses: actions/checkout@v3

      # Used to host cibuildwheel
      - uses: actions/setup-python@v3

      - name: Install cibuildwheel
        run: python -m pip install cibuildwheel==2.11.1

      - name: Build wheels
        run: python -m cibuildwheel --output-dir wheelhouse
        # to supply options, put them in 'env', like:
        # env:
        #   CIBW_SOME_OPTION: value

      - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
          path: ./wheelhouse/*.whl

For more information, including PyPI deployment, and the use of other CI services or the dedicated GitHub Action, check out the documentation and the examples.

How it works

The following diagram summarises the steps that cibuildwheel takes on each platform.

Explore an interactive version of this diagram in the docs.


Option Description
Build selection CIBW_PLATFORM Override the auto-detected target platform
Choose the Python versions to build
CIBW_ARCHS Change the architectures built on your machine by default.
CIBW_PROJECT_REQUIRES_PYTHON Manually set the Python compatibility of your project
CIBW_PRERELEASE_PYTHONS Enable building with pre-release versions of Python if available
Build customization CIBW_BUILD_FRONTEND Set the tool to use to build, either "pip" (default for now) or "build"
CIBW_ENVIRONMENT Set environment variables needed during the build
CIBW_ENVIRONMENT_PASS_LINUX Set environment variables on the host to pass-through to the container during the build.
CIBW_BEFORE_ALL Execute a shell command on the build system before any wheels are built.
CIBW_BEFORE_BUILD Execute a shell command preparing each wheel's build
CIBW_REPAIR_WHEEL_COMMAND Execute a shell command to repair each built wheel
Specify alternative manylinux / musllinux Docker images
CIBW_CONTAINER_ENGINE Specify which container engine to use when building Linux wheels
CIBW_DEPENDENCY_VERSIONS Specify how cibuildwheel controls the versions of the tools it uses
Testing CIBW_TEST_COMMAND Execute a shell command to test each built wheel
CIBW_BEFORE_TEST Execute a shell command before testing each wheel
CIBW_TEST_REQUIRES Install Python dependencies before running the tests
CIBW_TEST_EXTRAS Install your wheel for testing using extras_require
CIBW_TEST_SKIP Skip running tests on some builds
Other CIBW_BUILD_VERBOSITY Increase/decrease the output of pip wheel

These options can be specified in a pyproject.toml file, as well; see configuration.

Working examples

Here are some repos that use cibuildwheel.

Name CI OS Notes
scikit-learn github icon windows icon apple icon linux icon The machine learning library. A complex but clean config using many of cibuildwheel's features to build a large project with Cython and C++ extensions.
NumPy github icon travisci icon windows icon apple icon linux icon The fundamental package for scientific computing with Python.
Tornado travisci icon apple icon linux icon Tornado is a Python web framework and asynchronous networking library, originally developed at FriendFeed.
pytorch-fairseq github icon apple icon linux icon Facebook AI Research Sequence-to-Sequence Toolkit written in Python.
Matplotlib github icon windows icon apple icon linux icon The venerable Matplotlib, a Python library with C++ portions
NCNN github icon windows icon apple icon linux icon ncnn is a high-performance neural network inference framework optimized for the mobile platform
Kivy github icon windows icon apple icon linux icon Open source UI framework written in Python, running on Windows, Linux, macOS, Android and iOS
Prophet github icon windows icon apple icon linux icon Tool for producing high quality forecasts for time series data that has multiple seasonality with linear or non-linear growth.
MyPy github icon apple icon linux icon windows icon The compiled version of MyPy using MyPyC.
pydantic github icon apple icon linux icon windows icon Data parsing and validation using Python type hints

ℹ�? That's just a handful, there are many more! Check out the Working Examples page in the docs.

Legal note

Since cibuildwheel repairs the wheel with delocate or auditwheel, it might automatically bundle dynamically linked libraries from the build machine.

It helps ensure that the library can run without any dependencies outside of the pip toolchain.

This is similar to static linking, so it might have some license implications. Check the license for any code you're pulling in to make sure that's allowed.



13 October 2022

  • 🛠 Updates to the latest manylinux images, and updates CPython 3.10 to 3.10.8.


13 October 2022

  • 🌟 Adds support for cross-compiling Windows ARM64 wheels. To use this feature, add ARM64 to the CIBW_ARCHS option on a Windows Intel runner. (#1144)
  • ✨ Adds support for building Linux aarch64 wheels on Circle CI. (#1307)
  • ✨ Adds support for building Windows wheels on Gitlab CI. (#1295)
  • ✨ Adds support for building Linux aarch64 wheels under emulation on Gitlab CI. (#1295)
  • ✨ Adds the ability to test cp38-macosx_arm64 wheels on a native arm64 runner. To do this, you'll need to preinstall the (experimental) universal2 version of CPython 3.8 on your arm64 runner before invoking cibuildwheel. Note: it is not recommended to build x86_64 wheels with this setup, your wheels will have limited compatibility wrt macOS versions. (#1283)
  • 🛠 Improved error messages when using custom Docker images and Python cannot be found at the correct path. (#1298)
  • 📚 Sample configs for Azure Pipelines and Travis CI updated (#1296)
  • 📚 Other docs improvements - including more information about using Homebrew for build dependencies (#1290)


25 September 2022

  • �?� Fix a bug that caused win32 identifiers to fail when used with --only. (#1282)
  • �?� Fix computation of auto/auto64/auto32 archs when targeting a different platform to the one that you're running cibuildwheel on. (#1266)
  • 📚 Fix an mistake in the 'how it works' diagram. (#1274)


18 September 2022

  • �?� Fix a bug that stopped environment variables specified in TOML from being expanded. (#1273)


13 September 2022

  • 🌟 Adds support for building wheels on Cirrus CI. This is exciting for us, as it's the first public CI platform that natively supports macOS Apple Silicon (aka. M1, arm64) runners. As such, it's the first platform that you can natively build and test macOS arm64 wheels. It also has native Linux ARM (aarch64) runners, for fast, native builds there. (#1191)
  • 🌟 Adds support for running cibuildwheel on Apple Silicon machines. For a while, we've supported cross-compilation of Apple Silicon wheels on x86_64, but now that we have Cirrus CI we can run our test suite and officially support running cibuildwheel on arm64. (#1191)
  • ✨ Adds the --only command line option, to specify a single build to run. Previously, it could be cumbersome to set all the build selection options to target a specific build - for example, you might have to run something like CIBW_BUILD=cp39-manylinux_x86_64 cibuildwheel --platform linux --archs x86_64. The new --only option overrides all the build selection options to simplify running a single build, which now looks like cibuildwheel --only cp39-manylinux_x86_64. (#1098)
  • ✨ Adds the CIBW_CONFIG_SETTINGS option, so you can pass arguments to your package's build backend (#1244)
  • 🛠 Updates the CPython 3.11 version to the latest release candidate - v3.11.0rc2. (#1265)
  • �?� Fix a bug that can cause a RecursionError on Windows when building from an sdist. (#1253)
  • 🛠 Add support for the s390x architecture on manylinux_2_28 (#1255)

That's the last few versions.

ℹ�? Want more changelog? Head over to the changelog page in the docs.


For more info on how to contribute to cibuildwheel, see the docs.

Everyone interacting with the cibuildwheel project via codebase, issue tracker, chat rooms, or otherwise is expected to follow the PSF Code of Conduct.



cibuildwheel stands on the shoulders of giants.

Massive props also to-

  • @zfrenchee for help debugging many issues
  • @lelit for some great bug reports and contributions
  • @mayeut for a phenomenal PR patching Python itself for better compatibility!
  • @czaki for being a super-contributor over many PRs and helping out with countless issues!
  • @mattip for his help with adding PyPy support to cibuildwheel

See also

Another very similar tool to consider is matthew-brett/multibuild. multibuild is a shell script toolbox for building a wheel on various platforms. It is used as a basis to build some of the big data science tools, like SciPy.

If you are building Rust wheels, you can get by without some of the tricks required to make GLIBC work via manylinux; this is especially relevant for cross-compiling, which is easy with Rust. See maturin-action for a tool that is optimized for building Rust wheels and cross-compiling.