Kwentuhan Sessions


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Oleh Chichi and Sansan ditemukan oleh Player FM dan komunitas kami — hak cipta dimiliki oleh penerbit, bukan Player FM, dan audio langsung didapatkan dari server mereka. Tekan tombol Berlangganan untuk mendapat setiap pembaharuan di Player FM, atau salin URL feed ke aplikasi podcast lainnya.
We are a Filipino-Chinese couple living in the heart of Manila. We have been together for 20 years and decided to make this podcast to share our life experiences. Our podcast has no format and may discuss random things like relationships, recommended food in Binondo or about our philosophy in life. If you like our podcast, don’t forget to click the subscribe/follow button and give us a 5 star rating ^.^ Please visit our FB page @kwentuhansessionsph and ig page @kwentuhansession. You can also send us coffee at Welcome to our show and enjoy listening!

125 episode