Home / Other / DWEN’s 1st Ever Dream Tech Contest Announces Winner!

DWEN’s 1st Ever Dream Tech Contest Announces Winner!

Dell Women’s Entrepreneur Network (DWEN) launched its first ever DWEN Dream Tech Contest in the US, giving away up to $60K in Dell technology to the grand prize winner.   The contest, in partnership with Microsoft, was launched in March 2021 and brought in over a 1,000 applications with a diversity of the industries, business types, sizes, and ideas that make up the DWEN community are truly what makes it special. 

Deciding who would advance to the next rounds and subsequently become the grand prize winner was not reached lightly, as there were many amazing entries.  After a semi-final round of 10, the DWEN Team jury selected three finalists, each having a dedicated post on our @dellsmallbiz Instagram handle and leaving it to the public to select the grand prize winner. 

Meet our Three Finalists:

After a week of voting, Kristian Rene, Managing Partner & Co-Founder of Colorado Campworks & Quixotic became The DWEN Dream Tech Contest grand prize winner! Colorado Campworks relies on Quixotic technology to build adventure trailers that pack the same amount of power as an average American household uses in a single month!  It doesn’t stop with solar panels on the adventure campers, the Campworks team holds a patent on biofuel that is high efficiency and super powerful made entirely of industrial waste. You can take a family of four on an amazing adventure, but there is enough power to run a city block – so it has the potential to be a real solution and alternative in crisis situations.

Kristian relies heavily on the support of her friends, family and those that believe in her.  “The best part about me, is that I have a huge amount of support…It takes a village, is what it comes down to. My village has been really amazing and I think that that’s one of the biggest factors, that many women miss out on, is having the village that lifts them up.”

Kristian will start working with a Dell Tech Advisor who will help her determine the best mix of Dell products and services needed for Colorado Campworks take it to the next level.  Each workstation would become an engineering platform that integrates the best computing technology to empower each member of the production team to rapid prototype and help problem solve real-time.

“Being able to draft real time in a computer system and then either 3D print or at least deliver renderings is so much more efficient, just the time factor is incredible.  You can increase efficiency and you will see within minutes if they will fail, rather than within days.”

Microsoft Teams is another crucial efficiency element for Colorado Campworks.  “Teams makes a big difference for mine [organization]. They have thought about every element to help organize individuals and really bring them together in a virtual and digital community.  That’s pretty impressive.  Instead of having to use multiple services MS Teams has us covered on all those bases that are really important to make us as efficient as possible.”

To learn more about Kristian Rene and Colorado Campworks, watch her winner interview with Jasmine Crowe, the Founder of Goodr.

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