Installing Plone

Everything you need to run Plone

Plone comes with everything you need to start building your site, whether a simple one with a dozen pages, a multi-departmental one with demanding information architecture, or an intranet requiring login and multiple permission levels.

Try Plone

Download Plone

Get Plone 5.2 (stable)

Get Plone 5.1 (old-stable)

Get Plone 4.3 (legacy)

Try Plone 6 Beta 2 (future)

Sign up for our low-traffic announcements list to stay up to date with Plone version releases and security hotfix announcements.

The Plone community and the Plone Security Team will always support the two most current major releases.

System Requirements

Plone runs on a wide range of hardware, from RaspberryPi to Chromebooks, PCs and Macs, servers, and cloud deployments on Amazon EC2, Linode, Rackspace, and more.

Plone runs on most UNIX-based distributions (including Linux, BSD, Solaris, and other proprietary UNIX systems), on Windows and Mac OS.

See Plone's full hosting, operating system, and hardware requirements.

Get a Beautiful Looking Site with Plone Themes

Cleanblog ThemePlone 5's Diazo theming engine makes it easy for designers to create new themes for Plone and adapt existing ones to Plone. 

Plone 5 themes can be as easy to install as uploading a ZIP file!

Here are five lovely mobile-ready themes for Plone 5, all installable via ZIP file:

Learn about Plone

Plone Distributions

These systems use Plone at their core but extend it with features specific to their domain:

  • Senaite and Bika LIMS, the open-source laboratory information management system that combines web content management and workflow processing for a one-stop ISO 17025 ready web-based LIMS
  • Quaive, the design-first, social intranet solution (community edition on GitHub)
  • CastleCMS (and on GitHub), the enhanced security CMS that includes a wide range of features for creating, organizing, and managing large scale sites