Test Mark Certification

QIMA, through Hansecontrol Zertifizierungsgesellschaft mbH (QIMA-Hansecontrol), offers in-house Test Mark certification to help you increase your product recognition value, stand out from the competition and win consumer trust.

Test Mark Certification

In today’s competitive markets, consumers have a wide choice of functionally similar products in the same price range. By furnishing your products with test marks from an accredited testing institute, you increase confidence in your brand, stand out from the competition and make your product a more desirable choice for the consumer.

You can choose to show your test mark on your physical product or packaging, as well as on your marketing materials or in your online store.

What Does the Test Mark Signify?

The QIMA-Hansecontrol test mark is a voluntary and independent certification mark that signifies your product’s high quality.

Depending on your needs, we can conduct tests and award fit for use (FFU) inhouse test mark and voluntary quality mark (by Hansecontrol Zertifizierungsgesellschaft mbH) in the following categories:

  • Fit for use

  • Safe fan merchandise

  • Tox tested

  • Safe/Safe+ test marks for sustainable chemical management in production (SafeShoe, SafeTextile, SafeGlove)

  • Safe toy
  • Nespresso/Dolce Gusto Compatible 

  • Bike Safety
  • And more

You can also include keywords defined by the Certification Body on the test mark, based on your judgment of which product characteristics are more likely to appeal to your customers, for example:

  • Fit for Use

  • Bike Safety

  • Tox Tested

To access the our certification database, please click here.

How is the Test Mark Obtained?

A product is awarded the test mark based on the following checks:

  • Test mark-specific product testing done in our laboratories according to test protocols

  • Analysis of the legal requirements as part of the market compliance check, based on the documents submitted by you, or on the tests against the legal requirements done in our laboratories

  • Labeling check

  • Optional pre-shipment or final random inspection

Why Obtain a Test Mark for Your Product?

  • Enhance your brand image by a voluntary test of quality standards beyond the mandatory legislative requirements

  • Use the high recognition value of the test mark

  • Stand out from the competition with a QIMA-Hansecontrol test mark as an added benefit

  • Raise consumer trust by independent third-party product testing

Why Choose QIMA-Hansecontrol for Testing and Quality Assurance

  • A certification team with over 35 years of experience

  • Professional auditors and inspectors specialized by product and industry

  • Trusted by 3,000+ clients with global consumer product supply chains

  • Global reach: our team of 2,500+ qualified inspectors and auditors performs services in 95 countries