Методология БЭМ создана в Яндексе для разработки сайтов, которые надо делать быстро,а поддерживать долгие годы. Она позволяет создавать расширяемые и повторно используемые компоненты интерфейса.
I use BEM notation on everything I build now as its usefulness has proved itself over and over.
Itʼs less confusing than the other methods (i.e. SMACSS) but still provides us the good architecture we want (i.e. OOCSS) and with a recognisable terminology.
Combined with a preprocessor, BEM makes keeping your CSS modular and object-oriented a breeze.
Most common misspelling is “SMACCS”. I should just rename it to BEM.
This BEM stuff is next-level shit. Itʼs incredible how methodical it is.
BEM is far more than a HTML/CSS system. Iʼve got no plans to use it all; just adapted some of its ideas.