Italy's victorious right
Hide the swastikas!
2022 Iran protests
Can the Iranian system survive?
Africa, not the EU
Tunisia's brain drain
Hannah Kaviani on the Iran protests
"Change that goes beyond the moment"
The politics of resentment appeals to people who feel left behind and ignored. In most countries, the deeper one goes into the provinces, the more ill feeling toward the so-called elites one encounters.

Italy's victorious right

Much has changed in the European post-fascist firmament since former SS officers, veterans of the collaborationist Vichy government and other dubious figures established the forerunners of today’s far-right parties. Women and young men, usually smartly turned out in tailor-made suits, now set the tone. Commentary by Ian BurumaRead more

oday many Iranians have an understanding of the importance of human rights – a result, not least, of unprecedented human rights violations during the more than forty-year rule of the Islamic Republic. There is also an understanding of the importance of women’s rights,

2022 Iran protests

Political scientist and German-Iranian Ali Fathollah-Nejad discusses the protests in Iran and the long-term prospects for post-revolutionary political order. Interview by Michael YoungRead more

Insaf Boughdiri is just one of thousands of Tunisians going against the tide and heading south in search of better prospects.

Africa, not the EU

Tunisia's economic and political instability and the increasing reluctance of Europe to take in job-seeking migrants is leading many Tunisians to head for sub-Saharan Africa in the hope of building a better life for themselves and their families. Tarak Guizani reportsRead more

"Public discontent has been piling up for a long time," says Kaviani. "But now something new is taking place. We used to dismiss the younger generation as 'apolitical' and a bit 'superficial', concerned more about the virtual reality of chat platforms, Instagram, Tik Tok, or music on Spotify. We failed to realise that this generation, too, wants the chance to live a better life."

Hannah Kaviani on the Iran protests

The protests in Iran have entered their third week with no indication that Tehran is prepared to address the demands that are echoing through the streets. Radio Farda’s Hannah Kaviani spoke to Erik Siegl for Qantara.deRead more


Giorgia Meloni, standing outside next to a man who is applauding; she is holding up her left arm (photo: Nur Photo/picture-alliance)

Italy's victorious right

Hide the swastikas!

Women remove their veils with backs to the camera, protesting the death of Mahsa Amini in Iran (photo: picture-alliance)

2022 Iran protests

Can the Iranian system survive?

Symbolic image of terrorism/extremism (photo: picture-alliance)

"The Promise of the Hereafter"

What makes someone a jihadist?

Iranians continued their demonstrations against the regime in the capital Tehran on Wednesday (Sept. 28) (photo: social media/ZUMA/picture-allliance)

Protests in Iran

On the eve of a new world era?


The protests in Iran have broken taboos in the country, but security forces have hit back with lethal force (photo: Thomas COEX/AFP)

Hadis, Minoo and Ghazaleh

The women victims of Iran's crackdown

الآلاف من الشباب التونسيين بدأوا يفكرون عكس التيار فاتجهوا جنوبا ضمن إفريقيا. Migration nach Afrika Insaf Boughdiri Foto Insaf Boughdiri

Africa, not the EU

Tunisia's brain drain

Senior reporter with Radio Farda, Hannah Kaviani (photo: RFE/RL/Radio Free Europe))

Hannah Kaviani on the Iran protests

"Change that goes beyond the moment"

Iranian women protest against compulsory headscarves (photo: picture-alliance/abaca/SalamPix)

Golineh Atai's unsung heroines

In Iran, freedom is female

Nora Al-Jarawi (also Noura, Noora), Yemeni political leader and media activist (photo: private via Twitter + logo of womensolidaritynetwork)

Yemen’s other war

Female politicians targeted on social media


Portrait of Salman Rushdie dated 1986 (photo: Kharbine Tababor/imago images)

Salman Rushdie's "The Satanic Verses"

The long road to German publication

Arab women mobilise: the superheroine Qahera frees political prisoners, much to the displeasure of those in power (photo: Deena Mohamed)

Cartoonists in the Arab world

Children of the revolution

Illustration from Fariduddin Attar's "Vogelgespraeche" published by Edition Orient 2022 (source: Edition Orient)

Attar’s "The Conference of the Birds"

There is no person whose soul has not suffered

Algerian Jewish musican Edmond Nathan Yafil, in the centre with the violin and the striking moustache (source:

Muslims and Jews in the Maghreb

A whispered history