In-app subscriptions made profitable

Integrate in-app purchases within an hour. Double your subscription revenue in 3 months with A/B testing for paywalls. Run monetization experiments faster and cheaper.
See how it works

Used bу 2,000+ apps

Price testing for in-app purchases without app releases

Find optimal price and duration for your subscription and maximize LTV without leaving Adapty's admin panel.
Paywall B — Get premium access
Paywall A — Try Free for 3 Days
Adapty dashboard
On-the-fly price testing
Out-of-the-box analytics
Fast and native integration with Adapty SDK

Powerful and efficient subscription BI

Measure your in-app economy from trials to refunds with real-time analytics. Ready-to-use since your first customer.
Explore analytics →
Real time
Manage subscription state without managing transactions.
99.5% accuracy with App Store Connect.
View and analyze data by attributes, such as status, channels, campaigns, and more.
Filters and segmentations
Filter, group, and measure metrics by attribution, platform, custom users' segments, and more in a few clicks.
Adapty dashboardAdapty dashboard
In-app-purchase Events

One click integrations

Forward subscription events to analytics, attribution, and ad services without coding.
Explore integrations →
Easy integration
Just a few clicks to send events to your tools for a better understanding of the behavior of your subscribers.
Tracking events
View subscription events and check their export status to 3rd-party integrations.

Our users made it, and so can you

In-app purchase SDK for any platform

Integrate IAP's within a few hours without server coding. Adapty handles everything, from free trials to refunds, in a simple, developer-friendly SDK.
Free trials, upgrades, downgrades, crossgrades, family sharing, renewals, promo offers, intro offers, promo codes, and more – Adapty SDK does everything with a single line of code
Easy subscription management
One-time purchases and lifetime subscriptions supported
Sync subscribers' state across iOS, Android, and Web

// Your app’s code
import Adapty

// Make a purchase, Adapty handles the rest
Adapty.makePurchase(product: <product>, offerId: <offerid>) { (receipt, response, error) in
   if error == nil {
       // successful purchase

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100% Open Source

// Your app's code
Adapty.activate(this, "YOUR_APP_KEY")

// Make a purchase, Adapty handles the rest
Adapty.makePurchase(activity, product) { purchaserInfo, googleValidationResult, product, error ->
   if (error == null) {
       // successful purchase

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100% Open Source

// Your app’s code
import { adapty, activateAdapty } from "react-native-adapty";

const App: = () => {
  useEffect(() => {
    activateAdapty({ sdkKey: PUBLIC_SDK_KEY });
  const result = await adapty.purchases.makePurchase('product_id');
  // If makePurchase didn't throw an error, everything's fine

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100% Open Source

// Your app's code
await Adapty.activate("PUBLIC_SDK_KEY",
customerUserId: "YOUR_USER_ID");

// Make a purchase, Adapty handles the rest
final MakePurchaseResult makePurchaseResult =
if (makePurchaseResult?.purchaserInfo?.accessLevels
['premium'].isActive) {
// grant access to premium features

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100% Open Source

// Your app's code
Adapty.identify("your_user_id", this);

// Make a purchase, Adapty handles the rest
Adapty.makePurchase(product, null, this);
public void OnMakePurchase(PurchaserInfoModel purchaserInfo,   string receipt, Dictionary<string, object> validationResult, ProductModel product, AdaptyError error) {
  if (error == null) {
    // successful purchase

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100% Open Source

Millions of subscribers use apps with Adapty every month

Subscription events / month
Subscribers / month
API calls / month

We don't talk about us, our users do

4.9 out of 5 stars
Adapty helps our product VocApp optimise marketing campaigns. It helped cut down of CAC
Edward, CEO @VocApp
People at Adapty are always improving their product and are really passionate about helping subscription businesses thrive. They not only keep in touch with...
Sergey, Product Manager
It's the best tool to optimize your paywall ever! Awesome integrations, great subscription management, powerful paywall a/b testing!
Pavel Y., Co-Founder
Must have service for anyone who works with app subscriptions. A/B testing, analytic reports, cohort analysis, paywalls configuration tool...
Alexander B., Managing Partner
Replicated quality funnels that help analyze user purchases, thereby increasing conversions and profits, and that's cool.
Helga T., CEO
It is easy to integrate so our developers love it. It is intuitive to use for tests so our product manager loves it. It is transparent in analytics numbers so our analyst loves it. MUST HAVE TOOL
Arsen I., Founder & CEO
Having struggled with Apple's StoreKit APIs, it was such a joy to work with a framework that does all of the hard work for me...
Stewart L., Software developer and YouTube content provider
Your assistant with in-app subscriptions: SDK, Client CRM, Analytics, Paywall a/b testing
Mike, Product Owner @Maximum Education
Very simple SDK and analytics dashboard that takes all the pain of developing and supporting in app purchases on iOS and Android. AB testing for subscriptions makes...
Vasily S, CEO
Best in-class multiplatform in-app purchases solution. Most of all, I was impressed by the responsiveness of the Adapty team. They always listen to users' opinions and bring new features to the product on a regular basis.
Alex, CEO @AxeTop
Great product and an amazing support team, which reacts quickly to all the features requested by my team. Some of the requested features are already implemented, some of them are in development.
Dzmitry B
Chief Technology Officer
Most of all, I was impressed by the responsiveness of the Adapty team. They always listen to users' opinions and bring new features to the product on a regular basis.
Alexey G
CEO, Software Engineer
Adapty saved us a lot of time and, as a result, a lot of money. We didn't have to make our own system for organizing backend subscriptions, validating receipts, and getting products from Apple.
Andrei S, CEO
Many integration possibilities with all analytics systems. Always accurate data in real time. User-friendly interface. Cool CRM system that allows you to analyze all your users and their actions with payments.
Andrey H, CMO
Developer-friendly native SDK. Concise docs. Multiplatform analytics. Fast & friendly support. Winback offers for subscribers in push notifications works seamlessly with no additional code.
Ivan D, Frontend Developer
Super transparent subscription analytics. Paywalls A/B testing feature is great.
Alexey P, CEO & Founder
Great support in Telegram for any questions regarding the product.
Vasilii K, Head Of Mobile
Adapty helps our product VocApp optimise marketing campaigns. It helped cut down of CAC
Edward, CEO @VocApp
People at Adapty are always improving their product and are really passionate about helping subscription businesses thrive. They not only keep in touch with...
Sergey, Product Manager
Your assistant with in-app subscriptions: SDK, Client CRM, Analytics, Paywall a/b testing
Mike, Product Owner @Maximum Education
Very simple SDK and analytics dashboard that takes all the pain of developing and supporting in app purchases on iOS and Android. AB testing for subscriptions makes...
Vasily S, CEO
Best in-class multiplatform in-app purchases solution. Most of all, I was impressed by the responsiveness of the Adapty team. They always listen to users' opinions and bring new features to the product on a regular basis.
Alex, CEO @AxeTop
Great product and an amazing support team, which reacts quickly to all the features requested by my team. Some of the requested features are already implemented, some of them are in development.
Dzmitry B
Chief Technology Officer
Most of all, I was impressed by the responsiveness of the Adapty team. They always listen to users' opinions and bring new features to the product on a regular basis.
Alexey G
CEO, Software Engineer
Adapty saved us a lot of time and, as a result, a lot of money. We didn't have to make our own system for organizing backend subscriptions, validating receipts, and getting products from Apple.
Andrei S, CEO
Many integration possibilities with all analytics systems. Always accurate data in real time. User-friendly interface. Cool CRM system that allows you to analyze all your users and their actions with payments.
Andrey H, CMO
Developer-friendly native SDK. Concise docs. Multiplatform analytics. Fast & friendly support. Winback offers for subscribers in push notifications works seamlessly with no additional code.
Ivan D, Frontend Developer
Super transparent subscription analytics. Paywalls A/B testing feature is great.
Alexey P, CEO & Founder
Great support in Telegram for any questions regarding the product.
Vasilii K, Head Of Mobile
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