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Part of Earth-Moon system
The Blue Marble (remastered).jpg
Inception 4540 million years BCE
Name in kana ちきゅう
Named after soil, dirt
Demonym Earthling, أَرْضِيّ, Terrien, Terran, Erdling, földlakó, Terano, Terrestre, terrícola, Dünyalı, Ziemianin, землянин, землянка, земляне, заминиҳо, ชาวโลก, Aardbewoner, Earthman, Earthwoman, 地球人, 地球人, 地球人, terráqueo, terrestre, terráqueo, terrestre, Ziemianka, terrícola, Earthperson, terrestre, terrícola, 地球人, pozemšťan, pozemšťanka, 지구인, zemljanin
Location inner Solar System
Located in/on physical feature circumstellar habitable zone
Coordinates of easternmost point no value
Coordinates of northernmost point 90°0′0″N 0°0′0″E
Coordinates of southernmost point 90°0′0″S 0°0′0″E
Coordinates of westernmost point no value
Highest point Jomolungma, Chimborazo, Mauna Kea
Lowest point Challenger Deep
Population 7000000±1000000, 50000000±1000000, 100000000±10000000, 285000000±115000000, 400000000±100000000, 791000000±1000000, 1000000000±1000000, 1262000000±1000000, 1650000000±1000000, 2000000000±1000000, 2518629000, 2755823000, 3021475000, 3334874000, 3692492000, 4000000000, 4068109000, 4434682000, 4830979000, 5000000000, 5263593000, 5674380000, 6000000000, 6070581000, 6343628000, 7000000000±1000000, 7000000000, 7202951000, 7359044782, 1500000000, 7392793000±1000, 7463786469, 7475406776, 7510021269, 7530103737, 7652516839, 7655957369, 7830458560, 7937081566, 7969111502
Studied by earth science, Geologiýa, geophysics
Mass 5972.37±0.01 yottagram
Creator no value
Catalog code 806.4616.0110
, , , , , , ,
Child astronomical body , Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, International Space Station, Mir, Hubble Space Telescope, Telstar 18V, Rings of Earth, Kordylewski cloud, other moons of Earth, TerraSAR-X, Libertad 1, Soil Moisture Active Passive, SPOT 1, Black Knight satellite conspiracy theory, GSAT-18, QUESS, Van Allen Probe A, Van Allen Probe B, Sentinel-2B, GRACE-1, GRACE-2, GRACE-FO 1, GRACE-FO 2, Seeker, Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich, Sentinel-6B, Enxaneta, SAMPAN I
Parent astronomical body Gün
Apoapsis 151930000±10000 kilometre, 1.00000261±0.00000001 astronomical unit
Periapsis 147095000±1000 kilometre
Argument of periapsis 114.20783 degree
Distance from Earth 0 kilometre
Flattening 0.0033528±0.0000001
Type of orbit heliocentric orbit
Orbital eccentricity 0.016710219±0.000000001
Orbital inclination 7.155 degree, 1.57869 degree
Orbital period 365.256363004 day
Rotation period 24 hour
Semi-major axis of an orbit 1 astronomical unit, 149598023±1 kilometre
Longitude of ascending node 348.73936 degree
Mean anomaly 358.617 degree
Albedo 0.434, 0.306
Magnetic moment 78400000000000000000000±50000000000000000000 joule per tesla
Density 5514 kilogram per cubic metre
Temperature 15 degree Celsius
Radius 6378.137±0.001 kilometre, 6371±0.1 kilometre, 6356.8 kilometre
Diameter 12742 kilometre
Perimeter 40075 kilometre, 24901 mile
Dissolved, abolished or demolished date unknown value
Area 510064472 square kilometre
Volume as quantity 1083210000000±10000000 cubic kilometre
Hashtag Earth
Flag flag of the Earth
Earth symbol (fixed width).svg, Globus cruciger (fixed width).svg
AYool topography 15min.png
Earth dry elevation.stl
Has quality Earth mass, Earth's magnetic field, planetary habitability, geologic activity
Manifestation of open system
Notation Earth symbol
Opposite of sky
Shape geoid
Geography of topic Geografiýa
History of topic human history, history of Earth, geological history of Earth
Described by source Ottův slovník naučný, Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus, Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron, Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary, Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary, Gujin Tushu Jicheng, Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition, Der Volks-Brockhaus, Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890)
On focus list of Wikimedia project Wikipedia:List of articles all languages should have
Wikimedia outline outline of Earth
Epoch J2000.0
Demographics of topic demographics of the world
Jordens inre.svg
Earth's City Lights by DMSP, 1994-1995 (large).jpg
Number of out-of-school children 263000000, 264000000, 266000000, 274000000, 281000000, 291000000, 294000000, 305000000, 324000000, 333000000, 336000000, 343000000, 360000000, 371000000, 374000000, 379000000, 265000000
Maximum temperature record 56.7 degree Celsius
Surface gravity 9.798 metre per square second
Minimum temperature record -89.2 degree Celsius
WordLift URL http://data.thenextweb.com/tnw/entity/earth
Unicode character 🜨,
Exact match http://linkeddata.ge.imati.cnr.it:2020/resource/EARTh/16260, http://dbpedia.org/resource/Earth, https://global.dbpedia.org/id/1u1Br
Has part(s) Earth's crust, Earth's core, mantle, Atmosfera, Earth's surface, Biosfera, hydrosphere, lithosphere, Earth's magnetic field, kontinent, hemisphere of the Earth, Ýewropa, Aziýa, Afrika
Different from land, soil, dirt, Earth
Said to be the same as world
Permanent duplicated item Earth, Q110087470
Commons gallery Earth
Commons category Earth
Topic's main template Template:Earth
Topic's main category

Ýer (astr. simwoly: 🜨) — Güne iň ýakyn 3-nji planeta. Gün ulgamynda bar bolan 8 planetanyň arasynda iň uly 5-nji planetadyr. Bu planeta başgaça "Dünýä", "Mawy planeta" hem diýilýär. 4,5 milliard ýaşynda diýip çaklanylýar, ilkinji milliard ýyly içinde bolsa ýaşaýyş emele gelendigi çak edilýär. Wenera we Mars planetalarynyň aralygynda ýerleşýär.

Ýer planetasynyň kosmosdan görnüşi
Gün we Ýer

Planeta ady: ÝER
Üstiniň meýdany: 510 072 000 km2

Göwrümi: 1.08321 x 1012 km3

Agramy: 5.97219 x 1024 kg

Iň pes temperaturasy: -89.2 °C

Iň ýokary temperaturasy: 56.7 °C

Ortaça temperaturasy: 15 °C

Gün orbitasyndaky aýlawyny tamamlaýan wagty: 365.256363

Öz daşyndan aýlawyny tamamlaýan wagty: 23 sagat 56 minut 4.1 sekunt

Günden uzaklygy: 149 598 261 km

salgylanma[düzet | çeşmäni düzet]

http://www.sun.org/earth saýtyndan gysgaça terjime