Investing As A Student? - Investment Tips For College Students
Investing early in college can help students develop good financial habits and plans. Even a tiny sum of money saved from summer employment, family gifts, or scholarships can give you a leg up on the competition and pave the way to Financial Independence. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step, said Martin Luther King, Jr....
By bhavyabudhlani|30 Sep, 2022 . 6 min read
7 Biggest Stock Market Investment Myths That People Still Believe!
As far as stock market (or share market) investing is concerned, many of us have our own preemptive assumptions about it. As per Business Standard, only about 3.7 percent of India's 1.36 billion people invest in stocks. This number is insignificant as opposed to 55% of the US population directly or indirectly investing in the equity market. Now we understand...
By jahnavisarora791|12 Sep, 2022 . 6 min read
Want to Grow Your Wealth Exponentially - Understanding the Magic of 'Compounding'
One of the most talked-about topics in investing is the magic of compounding. Many wonders if it is possible to get an extra return on their investment by investing in terms of compounding. The answer is a simple yes and no. Yes, it is possible to get an excess return on your investment by investing in terms of compounding.While it...
By dipayansinha87|1 Aug, 2022 . 5 min read
6 Types of E-commerce Scams You Should Know
E-commerce is the leading source of revenue for many businesses. Do you know that the e-commerce business model is expected to generate 5.42 trillion USD sales per year by the end of 2022? But unfortunately, the increasing popularity of shopping online is not left behind by scams or online frauds.Hence, before becoming an avid e-commerce user, knowing all about the...
By bhavyabudhlani|27 Jul, 2022 . 4 min read
Sensex at 1,00,000 - A Detailed Look At All the Possibilities
Despite the crises and geo-political dynamics, India is a superpower in making, and any prediction can turn out to be true even ‘a Sensex at 1,00,000 by 2027’, given the resilience the Indian market has displayed.Indian stock market crashed on January 24, 2021, and Sensex took a dive of over 1500 points—the biggest single-session fall since the previous year of...
By manjubhatia|17 Jul, 2022 . 5 min read
How To Set Financial Goals
Everything that is a big dream in life usually involves money. A good education, a car, a home, a big fancy wedding, and so forth are examples of financial goals and you can only achieve them when you reach the amount applicable to them. Financial goals are all about your hopes and dreams, a financial goal can be a target...
By yatendrayk28|9 Jul, 2022 . 4 min read
5 Money Saving Tips Every College Student Must Know
Financial problems in college aren't something rare for students! After all, most college students leave their hometown and move to a new city for their studies and have to live in a rented flat or room. Even for those living in the college hostels, financial problems are there.As per a survey conducted among 18,000+ students from 52 different colleges and...
By jahnavisarora791|29 Jun, 2022 . 6 min read
How Your Smartphone Can Improve Your Financial Life?
In this day and age, it seems like almost everyone has a smartphone. And while many people use their phones for things like playing games or checking social media, there are actually quite a few ways that your phone can help you with your finances. From budgeting apps to investment advice, here are seven ways that your smartphone can help...
By sayeedhumra123|24 Jun, 2022 . 5 min read
Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) - Explained in a Detailed Manner!
People making millions of dollars creating, buying, and selling NFTs and you wonder ‘why and how’ and if you can ever jump on the bandwagon… NFTs explained here in a detailed manner!Facebook changed its name to Meta last year and the Indian government this year depicted a peek into the meta world in the Republic Day parade and then included...
By manjubhatia|7 Jun, 2022 . 6 min read
How Do Credit Cards Work?
There is an utterance that money is not everything in life, this phrase is partly right or partly wrong in a neutral sense. When we talk about its importance, we have to consider two crucial perspectives thoroughly to decide its reliability. Money is important to satisfy human needs and it is also inevitable as a way of survival in daily...
By yatendrayk28|24 May, 2022 . 6 min read
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