0 Состояние прогресса загрузки

Leading Russian online video streaming platform

Russia's No.1 online video streaming platform

  • 40M+

    monthly unique visitors

  • 3

    monetization models


  • 15К+


  • 1 billion hours

    total viewing hours in 2019

Largest catalog of movies, TV series, and animation on the Russian market.

All 6 Hollywood majors in subscription and over 300 content partners.

We produce our original content and support talented industry professionals who create unique content. We have contributed and supported releases of over 15 projects to date. In 2020, the first own-production projects under the ivi Originals brand released.

Exclusive Russian and foreign content. All key movie premieres.


  • Иконка технологии

    The service is available on any platform and is updated weekly

  • Иконка технологии

    Russia's No. 1 app on all major Smart TVs - LG, Samsung, Philips, Toshiba

  • Иконка технологии

    Computer Vision System for video viewing analytics

  • Иконка технологии

    Proprietary data and offer management platform, analytics and statistics systems

  • Иконка технологии

    Artificial Intelligence and Big Data analytics support ivi recommendation system

  • Иконка технологии

    Proprietary content delivery infrastructure – CDN in 26 cities in Russia

ivi is a Иконка Google Play Google Awards 2019 nominee and a frequent participant of the App Store’s Иконка App Store best apps selections. Winner of 28 awards for the best site and product.


ivi's large, friendly team consists of over 700 talented professionals. Explore the Career Page


The number of subscribers of ivi online cinema has doubled and reached 2.2 million people

The number of subscribers of ivi online cinema has doubled and reached 2.2 million people

According to IFRS, at the end of 2019, the revenue of ivi online cinema grew by 55% and amounted to 6.1 billion rubles VAT excluded. The average monthly audience of the service has grown by 14% and exceeded 50 million unique users. The total viewing time for 2019 amounted to 1 billion hours, 400 million hours thereof account for a paying audience.