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Mail.ru Cloud Solutions announces Mail.ru owned solution for automating Hybrid Cloud deployments based on AWS

VK corporate blog System administration *Cloud computing *DevOps *Kubernetes *

Mail.ru Cloud Solutions (MCS) has launched a new solution to enable Russian companies, as well as international companies operating in Russia, to automatically deploy federated Kubernetes clusters simultaneously using Amazon Web Services (AWS)and MCS resources.

MCS will enable enterprise businesses operating in Russia to use hybrid cloud architectures across both providers. This solution will automate Kubernetes cluster management in MCS and AWS using Kubernetes Federation, which allows clients to deploy clusters simultaneously on MCS and AWS. The application management layer will be run within Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS).

MCS customers will be able to create a hybrid cloud with the help of a solution tested and meeting the standards of both providers. A VPN between two cloud infrastructures will be automatically provided by MCS to account for a secure communication channel, which increases federation security. The solution enables simple deployment of the federated Kubernetes clusters by automatic means.

Federating Amazon EKS and Mail.ru Cloud Containers (Kubernetes aaS provided by MCS) simplifies centralised cluster management for users running a hybrid architecture. Federation will allow for spreading out network load evenly and minimising latency, as the system uses the cluster which is closest to the user. All Kubernetes aaS functions available across both providers will also be available within the federation. Cluster resources are synchronised, and DNS auto-configuration allows for load balancing the backend of all clusters, which boosts infrastructure accessibility and minimises the risk of a joint cluster failure. Should a cluster in one region become unavailable at any moment, traffic will be redirected to a different cluster to avoid disruption.

Federative management of Kubernetes clusters reduces maintenance and management costs as well as helping to launch products more quickly on the Russian and global markets. As more MCS customers also work for AWS, services other than Kubernetes will be added.

Automation and deployment of federation configuration is available in source code via Github link: github.com/MailRuCloudSolutions/k8sfed
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