
Third Party Browser Plugins That Block JavaScript

We apologize that you are experiencing issues while browsing a site protected by Distil Networks. The issue you are experiencing is often tied to a third-party browser plugin blocking the Distil Networks JavaScript snippet from being executed.

Why is a third-party plugin causing me to complete a CAPTCHA or complete an Unblock Request form? As an option with our service, we empower site owners to protect (and choose how to protect) their websites from automated agents that don't run JavaScript. When a third-party plugin blocks the Distil Networks JavaScript from executing, it causes your browser to look like the millions of malicious bots that are actively attacking websites every day. When the JavaScript cannot be executed, it causes Distil to respond with the content protection setting chosen by the site owner.

Most plugins that block Distil Networks are related to user privacy. A few notes on our JavaScript/cookies:

  1. Distil Networks uses first-party cookies on websites. This means that the cookie is only accessible on the website you’re currently visiting, much like a login cookie would be.
  2. Distil Networks does not require cookies to be enabled in order to complete our JavaScript test.
  3. Distil Networks does not collect any personally identifiable information in our JavaScript test.
  4. This Distil Networks JavaScript code is processed after all other JavaScript execution, meaning it will never slow down the page you're requesting.

We hope that all users feel comfortable allowing the Distil Networks JavaScript to run. We are currently working with security plugin providers to revise their classification of our service. If you agree, please consult the documentation of the specific plugin that you utilize for information on how to specifically whitelist the Distil Networks JavaScript.

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