Portal:Current events/March 1997

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March 1997 was the third month of that common year. The month, which began on a Saturday, ended on a Monday after 31 days.

Portal:Current events[edit]

This is an archived version of Wikipedia's Current events Portal from March 1997.

  • The tail of a Russian An-24 charter plane breaks off while en route to Turkey, causing the plane to crash, killing all 50 on board, and resulting in the grounding of all An-24s.
  • In Zaire, Etienne Tshiksekedi is appointed prime minister; he ejects supporters of Mobutu Sese Seko from his cabinet.
  • Mercenaries of Sandline International withdraw from Papua New Guinea.
  • In San Diego, 39 Heaven's Gate cultists commit mass suicide at their compound.
  • Julius Chan resigns as prime minister of Papua New Guinea, ending the Sandline affair.
March 1997