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How in-app chats help e-learning platforms to be more interactive?

Instant Messaging *Development of mobile applications *API *Software Video conferencing

e-Learning is an extension of/ alternative to a traditional classroom setup. e-learning, commonly known as ‘online learning’ or ‘virtual learning’ is ideally a one-way or two-way digital communication established on a device with video and voice call integration using internet access. The last two years made us realize how technology can facilitate and improve communication. Digital technology had its impact in almost every industry including the sensitive education sector.

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It's alive

IT Standards *IT career Reading room The future is here IT-companies

I wonder why IT developer interviews are so strange most of the time. It feels as if the people are looking for computer science teachers, not engineers. All those theoretical questions that have no relation to the working reality. It is strange to be looking for eloquent teachers, who can perfectly explain any term or pattern, and then ask them to do the actual work. Maybe it is the imprint from the years spent in university when the teachers looked like all-knowing gods and seemed to solve any issue in your life. May be, may not. Anyway, these teachers stay in unis and don't do the work.

You know, what would be my universal answer to all interview questions? “I have no idea how and why it works, but I can use it, and I can use it for good”. This is the reality. Actually, no one knows exactly these hows and whys. What is a computer? What is electricity? What is an electron? No one knows for sure. But it works and we use it.

Imagine a famous author, like Stephen King, asked a question about the difference between deus ex machina and Mary Sue. Would his answer change the quality of his books? He may or he may not know all those scientific literature terms, but he can use the language and use it for good.

Every time I turn on my computer it is a wonder. I have no idea what is going on, but it awakes, it becomes alive, and I can communicate with it in its own sublime and subtle language.

Have you ever realised that all these electronic devices are monsters, Frankenstein's monsters? Some pieces of dead matter were put together, and then, with some electricity involved, it suddenly awoke. “It's alive!”. Had Frankenstein any idea why it turned alive? Of course not, or why he was so surprised? Every developer experiences this feeling almost every day. “It's working!”

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Payment Village at PHDays 11: ATM hacking

Positive Technologies corporate blog Information Security *IT systems testing *Payment systems *Entertaining tasks

The Positive Hack Days 11 forum, which took place May 18–19, 2022, was truly epic. The bitterly fought ATM hacking contest featured no fewer than 49 participants. How cool is that? The winner of this year's prize fund of 50,000 rubles, with the handle Igor, was the first to hack the virtual machines. And he wasn't even at the event! :)

Besides Igor, eight other participants picked up prizes this year for their VM-hacking skills. They were: drd0cvientvrazovdurcmzxcvcxzas7asg_krdhundred303, and drink_more_water_dude. A big thank-you to everyone who took part, and for those who weren't at PHDays, here are the links to the virtual machines.

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Modern Micro-Service Architecture: Key Challenges for System Analysts

Иннотех corporate blog System administration *Server Administration *Microservices *

We're continuing to explore micro service architecture. In today's blog Alexander Solyar, Lead system architect at Innotech, describes the main challenges analysts are facing while working with micro services. He also shares a number of effective solutions and recommendations.

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The 2022 National Internet Segment Reliability Research

Qrator Labs corporate blog Decentralized networks *Information Security *

The National Internet Segment Reliability Research explains how the outage of a single Autonomous System might affect the connectivity of the impacted region with the rest of the world. Generally, the most critical AS in the region is the dominant ISP on the market, but not always.

As the number of alternate routes between ASes increases (the "Internet" stands for "interconnected networks" - and each network is an AS), so does the fault-tolerance and stability of the Internet across the globe. Although some paths are more important than others from the beginning, establishing as many alternate routes as possible is the only viable way to ensure an adequately robust network.

The global connectivity of any given AS, whether an international giant or a regional player, depends on the quantity and quality of its path to Tier-1 ISPs.

Usually, Tier-1 implies an international company offering global IP transit service over connections with other Tier-1 providers. Nevertheless, there is no guarantee that such connectivity will always be maintained. For many ISPs at all "tiers", losing connection to even one Tier-1 peer would likely render them unreachable from some parts of the world.

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Unity: What is a Coroutine and why is there an IEnumerator

.NET *Game development *C# *Unity3D *

The title of the article is a question I was asked in an interview for a Middle position. In this article, we will look at Unity coroutines, what they are, and at the same time we will capture the topic of Enumerator \ Enumerable in C # and a little secret of foreach. The article should be very useful for beginners.

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Grow as a UX Designer by Learning Copywriting Basics

Web design *Interfaces *Internet marketing *Design

Getting a task from a client, UX designers tend to pay attention to the design goals, not the contents of the website/app itself. There’s something completely wrong with it because the visual part might be superb, but when it frames a vague or wordy message, the client's goals won’t be reached.

To avoid this, a UX designer should dive deeper into the content, analyze it, and restructure it in an interface-friendly way. It doesn’t mean doing the copywriter’s job, it means collaborating. The reality is that sometimes the writing team is used to praising the product (because clients like that), or there is no copywriter involved in the project at all.

Provide proof instead of opinion

An impression is more powerful when the customer can conclude the product’s benefits on their own. Instead of a colorful line of adjectives like “ultimate” or “leading” you should aim at what exactly makes the product that cool. The trick is to be precise, preferably with an example.

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Unity: Selecting and uploading files by user on WebGL assembly

Website development *Game development *Unity3D *WebGL *

In this article, we will look at a way to give the user the ability to upload any files, such as textures. And let's touch on the topic of launching JS functions from C# within Unity. As a result, we will get a script that, by calling just one function, will open a window for selecting files.

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Modern Microservice Architecture: Design Principles

Иннотех corporate blog System administration *Server Administration *Microservices *

First mentions of micro service architecture application go back to the previous decade. Today this approach became the industry standard. Alexander Solyar, Lead software architect at Innotech, dives into details, shares professional insights and practical rules for working with micro services .

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Designing Converting Landing Pages

Web design *Design

It feels like everything about LPs has already been said, however, I still keep seeing the same mistakes being made over and over again both by start-ups and established companies. Here are some tips, backed up by my 10-year experience as a UX/UI Director in agencies and product-led companies. These alone will give a nice increase in your conversion rate, I guarantee. 

Use a descriptive, not a salesy hero header 

Answer the questions “What?” and “For whom?” as early on the page as possible. A very common pattern is the largest copy being an inspirational abstract slogan and below it in smaller font the actual statement about what the product is and what it does. 

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Color image capturing device with pseudorandom patterns sets

Image processing *Machine learning *Matlab *

The present invention relates to an analog signal capturing devices generally and monochrome or color image capture sensors, such as a scanner or a Charge-Coupled-Device (“CCD”) for video and photo camera in particular, which are almost free from moiré and aliasing. The present invention relates to methods for enhancing the resolution of an image capture device and device for digital color/grey image displaying also.

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20 years of payment processing problems

Information Security *

Thanks to yarbabin for the logo

Electronic payment systems have existed on the Internet for a long time, and some bugs in them are twenty years old. We've found critical vulnerabilities allowing us to steal money and drive up the balance. Today we will analyze typical implementations of payment processing and related security issues.

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10 Easy Steps to Build an Android Chat App using Kotlin in 2022

Instant Messaging *Development of mobile applications *Development for Android *API *Kotlin *

This tutorial will guide you step by step in building an Android chat app in Kotlin with the help of third-party messaging SDKs. The reason I chose Kotlin for this tutorial is that - it is a lightweight programming language suggested by Google for building apps that work on Android devices. 

In the steps ahead, I’ll show you how to develop an app in Android Studio, with messaging features that can integrate using SDKs. I use MirrorFly’s chat SDKs throughout this tutorial.

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Technical Note. From C++1998 to C++2020

C++ *

This technical note is devoted to covering information regarding all primary C++ programming language standards: C++03/98/11/14/17/20.

I am glad to share a technical note with some details regarding the C and all primary C++ programming language standards based on my experience and materials from the Reference Section of this document.

As of August 15, 2022, this technical note in PDF format consists of 72 pages.

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Four UX failings that e-commerce can fix with design

E-commerce management *Design

On average, online store users make 64 clicks before adding a product to the cart. Some clicks are useful - so-called discovery clicks that help lead to users finding a product they wish to buy, and some are useless that come as the result of poor UX. With great competition for convenience and increasingly reducing attention spans of users, each useless click reduces the number of visitors that will reach checkout.

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Conceptogram as a method to create more effective technical documentation

Иннотех corporate blog Popular science Technical Writing *

Konstantin Kotelnik, an analyst at Innotech, ponders over making technical documentation easier to understand for developers and helping the clip-thought generation work effectively with large quantities of data. Read the article to find out about the potential emergence of a graphical IT-Esperanto and the standardisation of technical language.

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How I gave my old laptop second life

Configuring Linux *Nginx *Laptops

17-19 min read

Hi y'all, my name is Labertte and I use Arch btw.
Probably like every other Linux user, I'd like to buy a ThinkPad, put some lightweight distribution like Arch or Gentoo on it, and then go to Starbucks, get a soy latte and tell everyone that I use "linux". But I decided to go a little different route and give a chance to my old laptop that I was using about five or seven years ago.

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A tale of how PVS-Studio reimagined the bug

PVS-Studio corporate blog Graphic design *Branding Design

You all know our mascot — a unicorn — many people grew fond of him! However, PVS-Studio has a supporting character who is also the antagonist of our product — a bug! Well, a bug is not omnipresent, indestructible evil. It's more like an everyday or a work-related trouble. In this article, you'll learn how we created a new character, and why he looks like a ladybug. Oh, and if you wonder why the hell he has a belly button — keep reading!

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