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Kara Goldin, founder of Hint, sits down with today’s most fascinating entrepreneurs, disruptors, and change-makers for a no-holds-barred discussion of how they overcame long odds on the road to start-up success. Guests such as Guy Kawasaki (Apple, Canva), Julie Bornstein (The Yes, Stitch Fix), Mindy Grossman (WW), and Amy Errett (Madison Reed) share wisdom and anecdotes that will inspire you – and challenge you to think differently about achieving your goals. For more on the podcast as well ...
Our expectations of work are changing. Whether you're a cubicle-dweller, side gig hustler, or blue-collar breadwinner, we're all experiencing some major changes to the idea of what a workplace should look and feel like. Can the culture of work change too? In this latest season of Rough Translation, we'll be traveling the globe to see how people are shifting their relationship to their jobs. From the mysterious man who inspired a "slacker revolution" in China to an American trans woman trucke ...
Join Hala Taha as she interviews some of the brightest minds in the world―turning their wisdom into actionable advice you can use in your life no matter your age, profession or industry. Our subject matter ranges from enhancing productivity, how to gain influence, the art of side hustles and more! If you’re smart and like to continually improve yourself, hit the subscribe button, because you’ll love it here at Young and Profiting Podcast.
The New York Times Award winning (Ok this podcast didn't win any awards but it's still FYE). RAOPodcast is a weekly online podcast hosted by Amp, Joe & Devin. Join us every Thursday as we talk about life, being black, sports, pop culture & current events. And answer questions from our AMAZING listeners. Become a Patreon Supporter! - http://bit.ly/RAOPPatreon
The Arctic and the Antarctic are privileged locations for observers interested in understanding how our world is shaped by the forces of nature and the workings of history. These areas have inspired countless humans to undertake epic expeditions of discovery and have witnessed both great triumphs and miserable defeats. As a planetary litmus paper it is at the poles we can detect the effects of natural oscillations and human activities on the global ecosystems.
Keep It!

Keep It!

Crooked Media

Movies! Music! Celebrities embarrassing themselves! KEEP IT has it all. Each week, Ira Madison III and Louis Virtel are joined by comedians, journalists, actors, musicians, activists, politicians and more to discuss the latest ways pop culture and entertainment are intersecting with politics and society. New episodes drop every Wednesday.
Sit down with author and podcaster Steven Johnson to hear from leading thinkers and creators from around the world. The TED Interview is a space for guests to further delve into their groundbreaking work, give us a peek into how they discover and explore fascinating ideas, and, in some cases, even defend their thinking. This season, we’re looking at the future of intelligence. Ponder how we can train ourselves to see into the future with Jane McGonigal, find the humanities in science with Ch ...
Speaking of Psychology

Speaking of Psychology

American Psychological Association

"Speaking of Psychology" is an audio podcast series highlighting some of the latest, most important and relevant psychological research being conducted today. Produced by the American Psychological Association, these podcasts will help listeners apply the science of psychology to their everyday lives.
Exploring the biggest questions of our time with the help of the world's greatest thinkers. Host Manoush Zomorodi inspires us to learn more about the world, our communities, and most importantly, ourselves. Get more brainy miscellany with TED Radio Hour+. Your subscription supports the show and unlocks a sponsor-free feed. Learn more at plus.npr.org/ted
Jessica Kumar is an American development advocate living in Bihar, India. She engages in powerful & empathetic interviews to shed light on lesser known aspects of Indian culture, founded in cultural anthropology, sprinkled with hints of modern relationships. Join us to hear diverse voices, stereotype breakers & interesting people who are experts in: -language learning (specifically acquisition of South Asian languages) -breaking stereotypes about racial identity -cross-cultural parenting -in ...
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