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Go is a programming language built to resemble a simplified version of the C programming language.
Git Merge 2022

Upcoming event recommended by GitHub


Git Merge 2022

September 14, 2022 - September 15, 2022 • Chicago, IL

Git Merge is a two-day conference dedicated to Git—and the people who use it every day. The Call for Speakers is open now!

App recommended by GitHub

PR Chat

Smarter notifications

Say goodbye to notification fatigue. PR Chat creates a single Slack message for every PR. Any changes to the PR instantly and silently update the Slack message

Full fidelity

Your PR looks the same as it does on Github. All formatting is preserved including text formatting, images and even code diffs.

Organized PR conversations

Use Slack to power your PR discussions. Conversations in the Slack message's thread are two way synced with Github comments.

App recommended by GitHub

Axolo for Slack

Enable your team to merge pull requests faster

Axolo is a bi-directional Slack & GitHub/GitLab integration.

With Axolo, tech teams collaborate on pull requests seamlessly. Each pull request creates a temporary Slack channel where all information (deployments, pull request checks, and code comments) will be shared. Axolo takes all of the normal back-and-forths on GitHub and Slack to centralize the conversation in ephemeral pull request channels. But this is only step 1!