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Microservice architecture and everything connected with it

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Modern Micro-Service Architecture: Key Challenges for System Analysts

Иннотех corporate blog System administration *Server Administration *Microservices *

We're continuing to explore micro service architecture. In today's blog Alexander Solyar, Lead system architect at Innotech, describes the main challenges analysts are facing while working with micro services. He also shares a number of effective solutions and recommendations.

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Modern Microservice Architecture: Design Principles

Иннотех corporate blog System administration *Server Administration *Microservices *

First mentions of micro service architecture application go back to the previous decade. Today this approach became the industry standard. Alexander Solyar, Lead software architect at Innotech, dives into details, shares professional insights and practical rules for working with micro services .

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REST or Events? Choose the right communication style for your microservices

System Analysis and Design *IT Infrastructure *Microservices *

Microservices Architecture is a well-known pattern for building a complex system that consists of loosely coupled modules. It provides better scalability, and it is easier to develop a system in multiple teams so that they don’t interfere with each other too much. However, it is important to choose the right way of communication between the services. Otherwise, this kind of architecture can do more harm than good.

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Top 7 Best Secure Video Streaming Platforms of 2022

Business Models *Microservices *

In this modern era of technological advancements, it is important to connect with people who matter the most to your business i.e. customers. Are you searching for a secure online video platform for your business?

Do you know what is secure streaming!

Well, various online video platforms can help you in providing seamless videos to your customers. But what we need is a secure online video platform that can also protect our digital content from various e-hazards. Read on to know more about some of the most secure online video platforms in the market.

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Modern COBOL: Microservice Tutorial

Cobol *Microservices *

You will learn and implement a microservice in COBOL without Mainframe. You will structure the project, manage dependencies, implement automatic tests and build virtualized execution environment. Finally, you will publish the microservice on GitHub under Continuous Integration workflow.

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Benefits of Microservices Architecture for Software Development

Software Microservices *
From Netflix to Amazon, Twitter, and many software giants, everyone has started adopting the all-new architectural pattern for software development — microservices. Microservices is an architectural pattern for software development that is a collection of small autonomous units, built around business units.
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Geolocation and geoposition — mega-tool

Maps API *API *Geoinformation services *Software Microservices *


Today, geolocation and geo-positioning have turned into a state that we did not dream about 60 years ago, during the first thoughts about creating an Internet network.

This article was prepared thanks to the IPGeolocation.io

Cartography has turned into a miracle — from insanely large sheets of paper to what fits in the palm of your hand.

Today, maps are used not only to search for a cultural center in Paris, but to be able to find everything:

  • nearest hotel
  • pharmacy or hospital
  • grocery store
  • university or school
  • Pink Concert venue in San Francisco

The transformation of technology will not stop there. It will be better and more accurate than ever.

Evolution in time

Let's see how the evolution of geolocation began. The journey of this phenomenon begins in ancient times.

Excursion into the past
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Enumerable: How to yield a business value

High performance *.NET *C# *ООP *Microservices *
This article is a brief explanation about how using a common language keywords might have an influence on the budget of IT-infrastructure of a project or help to achieve some limitations/restrictions of hosting infrastructure and, moreover, will be a good sing of the quality and maturity of the source code.
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Checklist: what had to be done before deploying microservices to production

DevOps *Microservices *

This article contains a brief squeeze from my own experience and that of my colleagues, with whom I had been fighting incidents day and night. And many incidents would never have occurred if all these microservices that we love so much were written at least a little more carefully.

Unfortunately, some programmers seriously believe that a Dockerfile with any team at all inside is a microservice in itself and can be deployed even now. Dockers are running — money are incoming. This approach turns into problems starting from performance degradation, inability to debug, service failures and ending in a nightmare called Data Inconsistency.

If you feel that the time has come to launch one more app in Kubernetes / ECS / whatever, then I have something to object to.

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