Data and online privacy under attack in Southern Africa: Showcasing the will and commitment of those fighting 18 August 2022 By Frederico Links

African internet users remain resilient in the face of all manner of state-sponsored and private tech-enabled cyber threats and obstacles, and civil society actors continue to raise and amplify their voices even as spaces for free expression, online and offline, are squeezed tighter and tighter.

In Sri Lanka, state-sponsored disinformation and suppression of dissent taint COVID-19 response 10 August 2022 By Harindrini Corea for EngageMedia

The Sri Lankan government has capitalised on the COVID-19 pandemic to further its authoritarian agenda, using digital technologies to reinforce a climate of fear and censorship.

PeduliLindungi: To care for and protect? 04 August 2022 By Siti Rochmah Desyana for EngageMedia

In Indonesia, the PeduliLindungi app has become synonymous with the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet it poses an unprecedented threat while leaving citizens with little recourse to protect their data. This article is part of the "Pandemic of Control" series by EngageMedia and CommonEdge.

OEWG: APC emphasises key role played by civil society in cybersecurity capacity building


OEWG: APC emphasises key role played by civil society in cybersecurity capacity building

APC's statement at the OEWG dedicated stakeholder session also notes that it is encouraging to see the inclusion of language connected with narrowing the digital divide and a growing number of states calling for a gender-sensitive approach to international cybersecurity.

OEWG third substantive session: Key messages from the Association for Progressive Communications


OEWG third substantive session: Key messages from the Association for Progressive Communications

In this submission to the third substantive session of the UN Open-Ended Working Group on the security of, and in the use of, information and communications technologies (OEWG), APC addresses some of the recommended next steps outlined in the draft progress report.

OEWG: APC stresses importance of a human rights-based and gender-sensitive approach to cybersecurity


OEWG: APC stresses importance of a human rights-based and gender-sensitive approach to cybersecurity

These APC priorities were reiterated in a statement delivered at the informal dialogue with the Chair of the UN Open-ended Working Group on developments in the field of information and telecommunications in the context of international security (OEWG) 2021-2025.

HRC 50: Civil society presents key takeaways from Human Rights Council

Joint statement

HRC 50: Civil society presents key takeaways from Human Rights Council

 APC and other civil society organisations from around the world share reflections on the key outcomes of the 50th session of the UN Human Rights Council, as well as the missed opportunities to address key issues and situations.

At the interstice of digital rights and environmental justice: Four issue briefs to inform funding

Issue briefs

At the interstice of digital rights and environmental justice: Four issue briefs to inform funding

These issue briefs highlight potential priority areas for funding that would bring the work of digital rights organisations and environmental justice actors closer together, based on the need for the two groups to work more collaboratively given the global environmental and climate emergency.

Hold the Line Coalition demands immediate decriminalisation of libel in the Philippines as Maria Ressa faces extended jail sentence

Joint statement

Hold the Line Coalition demands immediate decriminalisation of libel in the Philippines as Maria Ressa faces extended jail sentence

APC and other members of the Hold the Line Coalition condemn the Philippine Court of Appeals decision to uphold the conviction of Nobel Laureate Maria Ressa and former Rappler researcher Rey Santos Jr. on trumped-up charges of cyber libel.

Civil society calls on Indian government to withdraw amendments to IT Rules

Joint submission

Civil society calls on Indian government to withdraw amendments to IT Rules

In this submission, APC and other civil society groups call on the Indian Ministry of Electronics and IT to withdraw the amendments recently proposed to the country's IT Rules and to commence a process of consultation on the proposed amendments.

Shutdown order against Rappler must be revoked immediately

Joint statement

Shutdown order against Rappler must be revoked immediately

APC and other members of the Hold the Line Coalition condemn the shutdown order against Maria Ressa's Rappler media group, approved by the Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission this week.

Policy explainers

Youth views almost not taken seriously during ITU’s WTDC-22 17 August 2022 Arsène Tungali

The 2022 Generation Connect Global Youth Summit took place on the sidelines of the 2022 World Telecommunication Development Conference, organised by the International Telecommunication Union and held in Kigali, Rwanda.

Celebrating 15 years of GISWatch: "This journey has shaped how I frame the internet's role in our lives" 16 August 2022 Alan Finlay

APC's landmark publication Global Information Society Watch (GISWatch) celebrates its 15th anniversary this year. This inaugural piece by its long-time editor is the first in a series that will celebrate and examine how far we've come and where we need to head next. 

Seeding change: Rhizomatica’s high frequency radio showcases the power of communication in remote regions of the Amazon Brazil 11 August 2022 Maja Romano

Imagine you are in the middle of the Amazon rain forest. There is no mobile coverage or internet access. The long distances and rugged landscapes make communication highly challenging. These communities are precisely the ones Rhizomatica aims to support when building new technologies that connect people.


In this weekly column, longstanding associate of APC David Souter looks at different aspects of the digital society. Issues covered include internet governance and sustainable development, human rights and the environment, policy, practice and the use of ICTs.

How are APC members improving their communities' lives? In this section we're highlighting stories of impact and change by our members, supported by APC sub-granting.

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