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A little life hack when you work with Azure Service Bus and ASP.NET Core

.NET *Microsoft Azure *

Some of the features of your website require message queue integration. It is not a complex task for most developers. If you work with Azure infrastructure, you are able to choose Azure Service Bus as a queue engine. It sounds quite simple: just create Azure Resource, write some code and then be happy! But what would you say if the resources are limited? What will you do if there are several teammates in your team, and all of you have to debug queues at the same time? I try to give you a simple solution.

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PVS-Studio: analyzing pull requests in Azure DevOps using self-hosted agents

PVS-Studio corporate blog C++ *Microsoft Azure *Build automation *DevOps *

Static code analysis is most effective when changing a project, as errors are always more difficult to fix in the future than at an early stage. We continue expanding the options for using PVS-Studio in continuous development systems. This time, we'll show you how to configure pull request analysis using self-hosted agents in Microsoft Azure DevOps, using the example of the Minetest game.
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Critical Transcendence: .NET SDK and Apache Spark

.NET *Microsoft SQL Server *Apache *Microsoft Azure *Machine learning *

When Alex Garland’s series Devs (on FX and Hulu) came out this year, it gave developers their own sexy Hollywood workup. Who knew that coders could get snarled into murder plots and love triangles just for designing machine learning programs? Or that their software would cause a philosophical crisis? Sure, the average day of a developer is more code writing than murder but what a thrill to author powerful new program.

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Build apps for free with Azure Cosmos DB Free Tier

Microsoft corporate blog Cloud computing *Database Administration *Microsoft Azure *Cloud services *
Looking to build a new app, develop and test, or run small production workloads with Azure Cosmos DB? Our new Free Tier makes it easy to get started with no cost and save money as you build and grow new apps.

With Azure Cosmos DB Free Tier enabled, you’ll get the first 400 RU/s throughput and 5 GB storage in your account for free each month, for the lifetime of the account. That means that you can start small and grow with confidence, knowing your app will be running on a high-performance database service. You’ll only pay if your account exceeds 400 RU/s and 5 GB. Additionally, if your app has a lot of containers you can create up to 25 containers in a shared throughput database and have them all share the free 400 RU/s. You can have up to one free tier Azure Cosmos DB account per Azure subscription.
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Announcing Universal Print: a cloud-based print solution

Microsoft corporate blog Microsoft Azure *Development for Windows *Cloud services *IOT
Commercial and educational customers moving to the cloud with Microsoft 365 have long needed a simple, easy print experience for their employees. Today we are happy to announce a private preview of Universal Print, a Microsoft cloud-based print infrastructure that will enable a simple, rich and secure print experience for users and help reduce time and effort for IT.

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What’s New in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.5 Preview 2 for C++, Xamarin, and Azure Tooling Experiences

Microsoft corporate blog C++ *Visual Studio *Microsoft Azure *Xamarin *
Last week, Visual Studio 2019 version 16.5 Preview 2 was released, bringing many new features and improvements for developers in Visual Studio to help you build better software faster. Please read some highlights of new features and improved developer experiences in this page.

Install this preview side-by-side with your Visual Studio release and try these highlighted features without replacing your current development environment.

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Announcing the preview of Azure Spot Virtual Machines

Microsoft corporate blog Cloud computing *Microsoft Azure *Cloud services *
We’re announcing the preview of Azure Spot Virtual Machines. Azure Spot Virtual Machines provide access to unused Azure compute capacity at deep discounts. Spot pricing is available on single Virtual Machines in addition to Virtual Machine Scale Sets (VMSS). This enables you to deploy a broader variety of workloads on Azure while enjoying access to discounted pricing. Spot Virtual Machines offer the same characteristics as a pay-as-you-go Virtual Machines, with differences in pricing and evictions. Spot Virtual Machines can be evicted anytime if Azure needs capacity.

The workloads that are ideally suited to run on Spot Virtual Machines include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:

  • Batch jobs.
  • Workloads that can sustain and/or recover from interruptions.
  • Development and test.
  • Stateless applications that can use Spot Virtual Machines to scale out, opportunistically saving cost.
  • Short-lived jobs which can easily be run again if the Virtual Machine is evicted.

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Learn Azure in a Month of Lunches — our new free e-book

Microsoft corporate blog Cloud computing *Microsoft Azure *Studying in IT Cloud services *
More than 100 Azure services offer everything you need to build and run your applications with all the performance, redundancy, security, and scale that the cloud has to offer. But knowing where to begin with all these services can seem overwhelming. 

Read this e-book to build your cloud computing skills quickly and efficiently. You’ll be productive immediately, and when you finish, you’ll be well on your way to Azure mastery. 

Learn more below.

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Azure SDK for .NET: Story about a Difficult Error Search

PVS-Studio corporate blog Visual Studio *C# *Microsoft Azure *Development for Windows *

Picture 2

When we decided to search for errors in the Azure SDK for .NET project, we were pleasantly surprised by its size. «Three and a half million lines of code,» we kept saying, studying the project's statistics. There might be so many findings. Alas and alack! The project turned out to be crafty. So what was the zest of the project and how it was checked — read in this article.
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Building Modern Cloud Applications using Pulumi and .NET Core

Microsoft corporate blog .NET *C# *Microsoft Azure *
We are excited to announce .NET Core support for Pulumi! This announcement means you can declare cloud infrastructure — including all of Azure, such as Kubernetes, Functions, AppService, Virtual Machines, CosmosDB, and more — using your favorite .NET language, including C#, VB.NET, and F#. This brings the entire cloud to your fingertips without ever having to leave your code editor, while using production-ready «infrastructure as code» techniques.

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Azure PowerShell: Mostly Harmless

PVS-Studio corporate blog Visual Studio *C# *Microsoft Azure *Development for Windows *

Picture 6

Hello, everyone. Today we have another Microsoft project on the check. By the title of this article, you can guess that this time developers didn't «please» us with a large number of errors. We hope the project's authors won't be offended by the title. After all, a small number of errors is great, isn't it? However, we still managed to find something intriguing in the Azure PowerShell code. We suggest getting to know the features of this project and checking out errors, found using the PVS-Studio C# analyzer.
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Azure Media Services' new AI-powered innovations

Microsoft corporate blog Cloud computing *Microsoft Azure *Media management *Cloud services *
At Microsoft, our mission is to empower every person and organization on the planet to achieve more. The media industry exemplifies this mission. We live in an age where more content is being created and consumed in more ways and on more devices than ever. At IBC 2019, we were delighted to share the latest innovations we’ve been working on and how they can help transform your media workflows. Read on to learn more.

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How AI, drones and cameras are keeping our roads and bridges safe

Microsoft corporate blog Microsoft Azure *Artificial Intelligence
«It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.»

― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings

Europe’s roads are the safest in the world. Current figures show that there are 50 fatalities per one million inhabitants, compared to the global figure of 174 deaths per million. Despite this, each loss remains a tragedy. In 2017, 25,300 people lost their lives on European roads.

The cause of these accidents can vary from human error and weather conditions, to damaged structures and surfaces. While some things are beyond the realms of control, road and bridge conditions are a variable which can be governed.

As soon as a road is paved, a combination of traffic and weather conditions begin to degrade and erode the surface. Undetected cracks, abrasions or defects can quickly lead to bigger problems, such as costly repairs, major traffic delays, and in the worst cases, unsafe condition. These problems are also shared by bridges, particularly when concrete is critical in maintaining the integrity of the structure. The earlier faults are detected, the sooner they can be addressed, saving time and money, while minimising disruption. Ultimately, this helps ensure that the roads themselves are safer for those travelling on them.

The detection of these faults, however, can be very difficult to carry out manually, especially as early-forming cracks are hard to spot with the naked eye. Predicting where faults are likely to occur ahead of time so that appropriate measures can be taken in advance also possess a massive challenge. Thankfully, technology is here to help.

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Signing into Azure DevOps using your GitHub credentials

Microsoft corporate blog Cloud computing *Microsoft Azure *DevOps *Cloud services *

Across all of Microsoft, we are focusing on empowering developers to build better apps, faster. One way we are accomplishing that is by providing a range of products and services covering all stages of the software development lifecycle. This includes IDEs and DevOps tools, application and data platforms on the cloud, operating systems, Artificial Intelligence and IoT solutions, and more. All of these are centered around developers, both as individuals working in teams and organizations, and as members of developer communities.

GitHub is one of the largest developer communities, and for millions of developers around the world their GitHub identity has become a critical aspect of their digital life. Recognizing that, we’re excited to announce improvements that will help GitHub users get started more easily with our developer services, including Azure DevOps and Azure.

GitHub sign in button in Microsoft login page
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Introducing Time Travel Debugging for Visual Studio Enterprise 2019

Microsoft corporate blog Visual Studio *Microsoft Azure *

The Time Travel Debugging (TTD) preview in Visual Studio Enterprise 2019 provides the ability to record a Web app running on a Azure Virtual Machine (VM) and then accurately reconstruct and replay the execution path. TTD integrates with our Snapshot Debugger offering and allows you to rewind and replay each line of code however many times you want, helping you isolate and identify problems that might only occur in production environments.

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Analytics For Azure DevOps Services is Now Generally Available

Microsoft corporate blog Cloud computing *Microsoft Azure *DevOps *Cloud services *

Reporting has been an important capability for Azure DevOps customers who rely on Analytics to make data driven decisions.

Today, we’re excited to announce that the following Analytics features listed below will be included in our Azure DevOps Services offering at no additional cost. Customers will start to see these changes rolled out to their accounts soon.

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