Advocacy Actions

2022-09-29 > Beijing, Shanghai

European Chamber Submitted Comments to the CAC on the Revision of the Cybersecurity Law

On 29th September 2022, the European Chamber submitted comments on the Cybersecurity Law (Draft for Comments) on behalf of multiple working groups.

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2022-09-28 > South China

European Business Delegation Visit to Qianhai Cooperation Zone

To further enhance EU enterprises' understanding of Qianhai's planning, development and industrial policies, the European Chamber is organizing this half-day on-site visits and policy conference with the Shenzhen Bureau of Commerce and Qianhai Authority.

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2022-09-27 > South China

EUCCC Meeting with Guangdon Provincial Department of Commerce Director Zhang Jinsong

On 27th September, the chair of the European Chamber of South China Klaus Zenkel met the head of the department of Commerce of Guangdong Province. Mr Zenkel presented the <European Bussiness in China Position Paper 2022/2023> to related Commerce Buera and communicated in chance and challenge that European enterprises invested are facing now in Guangdong.

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2022-09-27 > Beijing

China-Europe Energy Storage Track II Dialogue: Pathway to Wide Deployment of Utility-Scale Energy Storage

The China-Europe Energy Storage Track II Dialogue: Pathway to Wide Deployment of Utility-Scale Energy Storage was successfully hosted by Energy Foundation China and Carbon Trust, and co-hosted by the European Chamber on Tuesday 27 September. This is the second workshop of the China-Europe Energy Storage Track II Dialogue project, covering the policies, business models, and cost compensation mechanisms of energy storage projects in China and Europe, as well as opportunities and challenges in energy storage investment and financing.

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2022-09-27 > All chapters

EU Financial Counsellors Meeting

On 27th Sep, representatives from the Banking and Securities working group, Insurance working group, and Non-banking working group of the European Chamber, had a joint meeting with EU financial counsellors onsite and online.

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2022-09-26 > National

Comments to Ministry of Transport on Measures for the Security Protection of Key Information Infrastructure on Highways and Waterways (Draft)

On 26th Sep, the International Liner Shipping working group, and the Logistics working group jointly sent a series of comments to Ministry of Transport, on the Measures for the Security Protection of Key Information Infrastructure on Highways and Waterways (Draft Version).

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2022-09-26 > All chapters

Comments to Ministry of Transport on Measures for the Security Protection of Key Information Infrastructure on Highways and Waterways (Draft)

On 26th Sep, the International Liner Shipping working group together with Logistics working group members sent a joint comment document to Ministry of Transport, concerning the Security Protection of Key Information Infrastructure on Highways and Waterways (Draft Version).

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2022-09-24 > Beijing

Global Asset Management Forum 2022 Fall Summit on Finding Certainty in the Midst of Uncertainty

On 24th September, the Global Asset Management Forum 2022 Fall Summit was held in Beijing focused on the topic of Finding Certainty in the Midst of Uncertainty. Joerg Wuttke, the president of European Chamber, delivered a video speech during the Forum.

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2022-09-22 > Beijing

Visit of the Department of Commerce of Hunan Province

Received visits of the Department of Commerce of Hunan Province.

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2022-09-21 > Beijing, Shanghai

Held a Workshop with Shanghai Municipal Administration for Market Regulation for Policy Interpretation - Shanghai Regulations on the Protection of Consumer Interets

Held a Workshop with Shanghai Municipal Administration for Market Regulation for Policy Interpretation of Shanghai Regulations on the Protection of Consumer Interests.

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