Track all revenue sources and any payment types

Whichever monetization model you use – in-app purchase, subscription or ad monetization – MyTracker allows you to collect stats on it and measure its effectiveness.

MyTracker eliminates the need for several systems and tools – no more checking in-depth analytics on subscriptions on one platform, calculating in-app purchases and their conversion on another, and working with revenues and ad monetization on a third.


01 In-app purchases The widest range of metrics: revenue, ARPU and ARPPU, ROI, transactions, payment dynamics, first-time users, DPU, WPU and MPU. 02 Subscription analytics Keep track of trial and first-time subscriptions, renewals and subscription types. Check the conversion of trials into paid subscriptions and total revenue. Break down by attribution, campaign or subscription type (7 days, 30 days, etc.). 03 Ad revenue Collect ad revenue data from the most popular ad mediation platforms. Analyze engagement, impressions and CPM cost. 04 Fraud detection MyTracker detects all types of mobile fraud and spots suspicious sources, saving your budget and income. 05 Build any reports and segments Create segments by in-app payments frequency and users’ revenue. Use ready-made reports on your income and add new ones, adding over 150 various metrics. 06 Automated revenue forecast Use automated LTV forecasts to accurately predict revenue coming from subscriptions, in-app purchases and ads. MyTracker will calculate these for any segment, providing you with real numbers.
Boost your projects with MyTracker free solutions