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Collaboration with ZooKeys

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A collaboration between Wikispecies and ZooKeys has been announced. PhytoKeys also joined the collaboration in November 2010. Images of species from ZooKeys and PhytoKeys will be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons and used in Wikispecies.

Distinguished Author


José Vicente Barbosa du Bocage

A Portuguese zoologist and politician. He was the curator of Zoology at the Museum of Natural History in Lisbon. His work at the Museum consisted in acquiring, describing and coordinating collections, many of which arrived from the Portuguese colonies in Africa, such as Angola, Mozambique, etc. He published more than 200 taxonomic papers on mammals, birds, and fishes. In the 1880s he became the Minister of the Navy and later the Minister for Foreign Affairs for Portugal. The zoology collection at the Lisbon Museum is called the Bocage Museum in his honor. He was responsible for identifying many new species, which he named according to the naturalist who found them.

Species of the month

European Mistletoe

Viscum album
Viscum album

Some facts on this plant:

Distribution: Europe and western and southern Asia.

Leaves: Opposite, strap-shaped, 2–8 cm long.

Flowers: Yellowish-green, 2–3 mm across.

Fruit: White or yellow berry, usually with a single seed.

Medical uses: Used as a treatment for degenerative joint inflammation (osteoarthritis) and malignant tumors.

First described: By the Swedish naturalist Carolus Linnaeus in 1753.

Viscum album doesn't grow on the ground but on the branches or trunks of trees. It sends out roots that penetrate into the tree and take up nutrients. This shrub is a common holiday decoration in Europe. Sprigs of mistletoe were believed to protect the house from fire and lightning, and couples meeting under hanging mistletoe were obliged to kiss. The mistletoe was also important to the ancient Celts, who believed the plant to be an antidote for poison. Because it is a tree-parasite, the modern reputation of mistletoe has not been as favorable. However, ecological studies have shown that more new juniper trees sprout in areas with mistletoe, and that more berry-eating birds are attracted by the mistletoe's fruit, so that nearby berry-producing trees are more likely to have their seeds distributed. Currently at least six subspecies are recognized. They differ in fruit colour, leaf shape and size, and most obviously in the host trees utilised.

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