Automattic Yahoo

Automattic Toni

Another nice birthday present! I have no idea (really) how he got this, but Om has the scoop on Yahoo VP Toni Schneider leaving to join Automattic. We were originally going to announce this at the end of the month when Toni actually left but I guess now is as good a time as any. 🙂 Toni was the CEO of Oddpost and after joining Yahoo led, amoung other things, their really cool developer network.

I first met Toni shortly after I moved to San Francisco and I’ve wanted him to be a part of Automattic pretty much since the idea first entered my mind. We’ve spent many long meals over the past year discussing the Automattic idea before it even had a name. I’ve been on cloud nine since (somehow) I convinced him to leave the incredibly cushy corporate job and rough it out in startup world again. I’m very very excited about some of the things coming down the line.

Update: Toni has blogged about it here. He also has a blog that used to have a bunch of cool cars on it, hopefully that’ll come back somewhere. 🙂

Update 2: It’s on Digg, and I’m curious what linking to the Digg story will do. Digg it if you think it’s interesting.

17 replies on “Automattic Toni”

[…] How cool is it for Toni and Matt to hook up.  I’ve gotten to know both guys over the past year.  I think that they will make a great team.  I knew something was up when I saw Toni on their advisory board.  Great stuff.  Both guys have passion and complementary experience in startups.  Can’t wait to see what is up their sleeve.  Toni was with Yahoo and word leaked out via Om Malik and now its out on Toni’s blog.  I think this validates the business opportunity around social new media.  Congrats to Matt for getting Toni and congrats to Toni for making a tough move to leave Yahoo (it must have been a tough call). […]

[…] Quizás el nombre les parezca extraño pero Automattic es la empresa de Matt Mullenweg y el equipo que desarrolló WordPress y que ahora tiene entre sus “negocios” a, WordPress, Akismet y bbPress; y es envidiable el nuevo CEO que trajeron a la empresa: Toni Schneider ex VP de Yahoo! que renunció para sumarse a este emprendimiento. […]

[…] Uno de los ejecutivos de Yahoo! más importantes, Toni Schneider, director de Yahoo Developer, ha renunciado y se ha unido al equipo de Matt, en Será importante seguir esta nueva empresa, estamos seguros que Toni le dará una fuerza a los proyectos de Matt muy importante, y un punto de vista muy valioso, ya que el haber trabajado en Yahoo! seguramente le habrá dado un conocimiento muy importante. Mientras tanto, felicitaciones a Matt, y mucho éxito para Automattic. […]

Wow, so now I can really say I knew you when… 😀 To think, it doesn’t even seem like that long ago that I bribed you to come to my house and update my site to WP for me … now you have a CEO. I mean, how cool is that???

Happy belated birthday!

[…] While management is a skill that every startup CEO should learn and continuously improve upon, it doesn’t mean that you need to perfect it. It’s why you build out a management team around you, so that you can focus on the vision and being a great leader. It’s why Mark Zuckerberg hired Sheryl Sandberg, why Steve Jobs hired Tim Cook and why Matt Mullenweg hired Toni Schneider. […]

[…] While management is a skill that every startup CEO should learn and continuously improve upon, it doesn’t mean that you need to perfect it. It’s why you build out a management team around you, so that you can focus on the vision and being a great leader. It’s why Mark Zuckerberg hired Sheryl Sandberg, why Steve Jobs hired Tim Cook and why Matt Mullenweg hired Toni Schneider. […]