About Ziff Davis

Ziff Davis (NASDAQ: ZD) is a vertically focused digital media and internet company whose portfolio includes leading brands in technology, entertainment, shopping, health, cybersecurity and martech.

$1.4B In Revenue 1,2
21% Revenue Growth 1,3
35% EBITDA Margin 1,2
82 Acquisitions 4
$2.9B M&A; Spend 4
25% EBITDA Growth 3
1. Figures are adjusted non-GAAP and exclude the Consensus business, and any divested assets. The Company has not reconciled the non-GAAP Adjusted EBITDA to the most directly comparable GAAP measure because this cannot be done without unreasonable effort due to the variability with respect to forecasted revenues and costs primarily related to acquisitions and taxation.
2. Based on LTM Q2 2022 results
3. CAGR period is 2018 through 2021
4. Includes acquisitions from 2013 through June 2022, plus the Ziff Davis acquisition from late 2012. This reflects only the businesses that comprise the Ziff Davis portfolio following the spin of Consensus in 2021 and excludes divested businesses, assets held for sale, and assets that traveled with the spin of Consensus.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Ziff Davis embraces the business and societal imperative to have a diverse and inclusive organization, support a sustainable future through our actions and our products, and manage our businesses using the highest principles of business ethics.

Read our 2021 Diversity Report sharing diversity and representation statistics of our U.S. employee base and updates on our ongoing diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs and actions, and 2021 ESG Report sharing findings from our first greenhouse gas inventory and ongoing environmental sustainability initiatives.

Learn more about Ziff Davis' DEI and environmental sustainability-related programs and actions here.